Accessible reading for all – the power of a shared vision How Axiell Media and MTM work together to drive sustainable change Eva Houltzén, CEO, Axiell.


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Presentation transcript:

Accessible reading for all – the power of a shared vision How Axiell Media and MTM work together to drive sustainable change Eva Houltzén, CEO, Axiell Media Anne Stigell, Senior Advisor, Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) The Marrakesh Treaty in Action: Implementing the Treaty and More Ideas for Accessible Digital Reading Seminar at Oodi Library, Helsinki, March 12, 2019

Innovating for tomorrow’s digital media AXIELL MEDIA VISION Make digital reading accessible and sustainable for all. AXIELL MEDIA MISSION To provide a seamless reading experience, and help our customers profit from digital transformation.

Accessibility through the value chain? Production Publishing Distribution Consumtion & use 1000 + publishers 40 + retail shops 350 + libraries 70 000 digital books Global Axiell presence 55 markets

Driving change – the example biblio The app Biblio (2017) has changed patron behaviour In 12 months audio book loans rised by 100% Audio books now stand for 30% of all digital book loans in Sweden The app has 120 000 + active users

launch in finland 2019 National supplier of e-lending platform & media (KL- Kuntahankinnat Oy) Close to 10 000 titles in Finnish in the catalogue, growing every day.

MTM Future Strategy Market Collaboration to Enhance Accessibility – MTM and Axiell Media Cooperation The Marrakesh Treaty in Action Helsinki March 12, 2019 Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

A society where all media is accessible Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) – Vision and Focus A society where all media is accessible MTM gives people with print impairment access to the media they want in the format they need Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

Accessible reading – a human right International and national laws and regulation Schools and education Library services Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty in European Law access to print works in formats adapted for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled Usage and cross-border exchange Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

2016 – “MTM Direkt” A joint agreement between MTM and Axiell Media to promote a more efficient production model Publishers deliver book files via Axiell Media to MTM to be used as a basis to produce accessible books (Braille, audio) More efficient and quicker production Improved quality of files With respect to a new media subsidy MTM text based information MPRT: moving images/film/tv based imformation Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

2018 – MTM’s Future Strategy User Perspective Needs, expectations, development Promote market involvement in accessible products and services Market analysis of the commercial market Reduced dissimilarities between commercial and accessible products and services Outreaching activities MTM organisation Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

European Accessibility Act E-books, E-book readers and E-commerce The Marrakesh Treaty in Action Helsinki March 12, 2019 Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

First EU legislation with requirements for private sector Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Web Accessibility Directive (EU) Public Procurement Directive (EU) Similar to other legislation (product safety and medical devices directives New products and services All services and products offered (For e-books e.g. publishers or companies involved in distribution) Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

ICT consumer products and services General purpose ICT consumer products – computers, smartphones, tablets Electronic communication services (internet access, telephone access, emergency communication) Consumer banking services and terminals Public transport services and terminals E-commerce E-books and e-readers Smart-TV’s and set-top-boxes. Services to access AV media services Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

EAA – Definition of e-book (service) and e-reader (product) (25) "e-book and dedicated software" means a service, consisting of the provision of digital files that convey an electronic version of a book, that can be accessed, navigated, read and used and the software including mobile applications dedicated to the accessing, navigation, reading and use of those digital files. It shall not include software covered under definition 25a(new); (25a) "e-reader" means dedicated equipment, including both hardware and software, used to access, navigate, read and use e-book files; Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

Specific requirements for e-books Synchronization of text and audio E-book files shall not interfere with assistive technology Ensure that content, navigation of file content and layout, provision of structure, flexibility and choice in presentation of content Metadata so that they can be discovered – in order for users to be able to search for accessible e-books Digital Rights Management (DRM) shall not block accessibility features Mar 12, 2019 Helsinki Conference 2019

Market Collaboration to Enhance Accessibility - pilots MTM & Axiell Media pilots Accessibility in subscription services Biblio Accessible (enough) e-book Selected publishers, Axiell Media

Accessibility test biblio Axesslab performed Reading System Evaluation on Biblio app 45 test items in 6 categories ( testsuite) Low hanging fruits: Navigation support Read aloud

Accessibility test biblio Axesslab user test Print impairments Low hanging fruits: Separation of elements Focus elements in interactiondesign, for ex placing search

Text to speech in biblio web From March as a complementary service to Biblio Web through Readspekaer partnership Read aloud of content & highlighted text Swedish, Finnish, English, Arabic as a start

Ace validation test Ace in Axiell Media publishing process Accessibility checking tool, Ace by DAISY, to evaluate conformance to the EPUB Accessibility Specification. Publishers will get feedback on every file Publisher can disregard, optimize the file or ask Axiell Media to optimize the file.

How can the Library take part? Tender requirements Promote standards Active users and active partners Development roadmap Publisher interaction Ask & Let us know…

Thank you. Anne Stigell anne. stigell@mtm. se www. mtm Thank you! Anne Stigell Eva houltzén The Marrakesh Treaty in Action: Implementing the Treaty and More Ideas for Accessible Digital Reading Seminar at Oodi Library, Helsinki, March 12, 2019