Julius Caesar Act IV, V
Preparing for the test http://msdavisedu.weebly.com All PowerPoints Julius Caesar study guide
Act IV So now Caesar is dead. All is well in Rome? Nope. There are more arguments and a suicide (Portia –swallowed fire) Antony & Octavius What do they disagree over? What is the significance of this disagreement? Octavius calls whom a “tried and valiant solider”? Antony counters by arguing who else is a “tried and valiant solider”? Brutus and Cassius (full-out argument) What are they arguing about? What is the significance of this disagreement?
Need Some Reading Guidance? If it sounds familiar, it’s probably a famous line. Take note of who speaks it. Think about all the arguments you read in Julius Caesar. Some concepts to review: Logical, emotional, and ethical appeal Examine characters’ tone of voice, essential characteristics and actions. Schemes Parts of an argument Figurative language Tone
Homework Finish Act V Tomorrow: Socratic Seminar of Julius Caesar, with a focus on the funeral oratories.
Speaking of the Socratic Seminar… Socratic Seminars function best with a specific goal – specific lines to analyze. I want you to focus on the oratories; however, I don’t want you to “put on blinders” and ignore the rest of the play. Take the whole play into account as you analyze the oratories. Motivations, why, arguments, etc. Really think beyond their words.