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Presentation transcript:


Salvete, discipuli. Mihi nomen est Magistra Duvallia et haec est pars secunda Latinae Linguae. Iam multa de Latinā Linguā scitis. Multa verba et multam grammaticam scitis, sed omnia nescitis. Proximis mensibus alia de Latinā Linguā vos docebo. Si audietis et diligenter laborabitis, bene vestra negotia conficietis. Multas fabulas legetis. Etiam vos multa de vitis Romanorum discetis.

1-2nd declension adjectives multus, multa, multum- many, much Latinus, Latina, Latinum-Latin secundus, secunda, secundum - second alius, alia, alium- other proximus, proxima, proximum-next, following

1-2nd declension How do you know an adjective is 1st-2nd declension? Look for the ending –a in one of the forms. (usually the 2nd form) amicus, amica, amicum How do you get the base of a 1st-2nd declension adjective? Drop the – a ending amic---

Write out the 1st and 2nd declension endings.

-a -ae -us/er -i -um -arum -orum -is -o -am -as -os -ā Feminine   Feminine Masculine Neuter sing pl Pl nom -a -ae -us/er -i -um gen -arum -orum dat -is -o acc -am -as -os abl -ā

KINDS OF ADJECTIVES Attributive- a good story: fabula bona Predicative- the story is good: fabula est bona Substantive - there is no noun Supply man/men, woman/women, thing(s) bonus-good man, bona –good woman bonum-good thing

Salvete, discipuli. Mihi nomen est Magistra Duvallia et haec est pars secunda Latinae Linguae. Iam multa de Latinā Linguā scitis. Multa verba et multam grammaticam didicistis, sed omnia nescitis. Proximis mensibus alia de Latinā Linguā vobis docebo. Si audietis et diligenter laborabitis, bene agetis. Multas fabulas de Romanis deis legetis. Etiam vos multa de vitis Romanorum discetis.

villam parvam meus filius tuas filias nostra familia Practice makes perfect! Identify the case and number of the following noun adjective pairs. villam parvam meus filius tuas filias nostra familia in magno triclinio vestrum oppidum suos liberos

Practice makes Perfect – Try these simple sentences Circum villam parvam ambulabant. Meus filius in villā parvā habitat. Nostra familia tuas filias iuvabit. Nostra familia est in magno triclinio. Meus filius est in magno triclinio. Vestrum oppidum est pulchrum. Meus filius suos liberos non iuvabit.

What happens if the noun and adjective are from different declensions?

Let’s See…Try these. Mea mater in magnā urbe habitat. Meus pater est altus vir. Tuum fratrem in oppido vidi Tua soror meos fratres iuvabat. Nostri milites in bello pugnabant. Rex in magnā arce cum suā familiā habitat What did happen when the noun and adjective are from different declensions?

Noun/Adjective Agreement English to Latin Choose the correct vocabulary words for the noun and the adjective. Determine the declension of the noun. Determine the base of the noun. Determine the case and number needed and select the correct ending from the correct chart. I live in a small city

Noun/Adjective Agreement English to Latin Determine the gender of the noun (we have already determined the case and number) Determine the declension of the adjective. Get the base of the adjective by dropping the -a or the –is Use the correct chart and pick the same gender, number and case as the noun. I live in a small city

Write this down. To determine the declension of a noun you need to know the nominative/genitive singular of the noun. (This assumes you know your charts too!!!!) To get the base of a noun you drop the genitive singular ending. Adjectives of the 1st-2nd decl. have a word ending in –a in the vocabulary list. Adjectives of 3rd declension have a word ending in –is in the vocabulary list To get the base of an adjective drop the –a or -is

Determine the declension of the noun in parentheses Determine the declension of the noun in parentheses. Determine the gender, number and case of the noun in bold. Determine the declension of the adjective. Put the correct adjective form with the noun. (ager, agri) agros (magnus, magna, magnum) (villa, villae) villam (noster, nostra, nostrum) (urbs, urbis) urbe (this word is feminine) (parvus, parva, parvum)