Preparation for elections. Social Studies Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College
Ways in which political parties prepare for an election: Political parties prepare for an election by: 1. Selecting candidates to contest the various constituencies. 2. Raising funds. 3. Publishing manifestos. 4.Conducting campaign. 5. Monitoring elections.
Activity: Students will be called upon to define what a “manifesto” is and to also identify aspects of such.
Factors which influence voter participation in an election: 1.Family. 2. Manifesto of parties. 3. Track record of experienced politicians. 4. Civic duty. 5. Age. 6. The “undecided” voter.
Group Activity: In various groups of at least six students, students will come up with names for their own political parties. They are then required to design using the sheets of bristol board provided, a symbol for their party with an accompanying slogan.
Closure: Students will recap the main points of the lesson.
Homework: Students are to name the last four Leaders of the Opposition of Trinidad and Tobago.