Electricity in a House GET 3 SHEETS OF PAPER 4/27/10
QUIZ PUT YOU NAME ON A SHEET OF LINED PAPER AND LABEL 1-5 1. What is a good way to remember cpr? 2. If someone has been shocked but they seem fine you should still do what? 3. What is the first and second step when working with electricity in a home? 4. Before working with electricity you should probably _____ someone what you are doing. 5. T or F grounding can effect some ones shock ability
Where does our Electricity come from? I am willing to bet that 99% of us in this room get our power from Consumers energy. The rest get will get their power from DTE out of Detroit. Consumers and DTE create their power creates their power from a multitude of sources.
Power Plants Fossil fuel is still the most common. Coal Natural Gas Oil All are used to generate steam to drive turbines to create electricity Hydro electric is the next percentage Dams along the Au Sable River, Grand River, Kalamazoo River, Manistee River, Muskegon River
COAL Karn-weadock plant
Power plants continued Nuclear- Palisades plant not owned by consumers or DTE but do provide power to
Reserves Ludington pump station.
Peakers Respond when demand out weights supply. One of these stations are located in Zeeland. Most are fuel by non renewable sources. Oil natural gas
Renewable Sources Wind- is the biggest new push Can only be placed in certain places Not always reliable….no wind =no power
The Electrical Grid After your power is generated it is sent by wire to a substation where the high voltage is lowered and then sent down your road to your house. From there it is lower again then sent into your home
How to Measure Electricity Voltage….aka volts….. A good way to look at what volts are is by an analogy of Water pressure in a pipe is measured by pounds Voltage is the amount of electrical pressure in a wire.
Amperes Amps: Is comparable to the amount of water flowing through a pipe the term gallons are used Amps are the amount of electricity allowed to flow through a wire. House components such as fuses, breakers, outlets, wire, switches are all rated in amps
Watt Watts: is a term to tell us the amount of electricity being used. For example a 100watt light bulb uses 100 watts or power to run it. The amount of power it uses in one hour is known as a Killowatt hour. This is how you are billed from the power company
How to determine Watts, volts, amperes Watts = Volts x Amperes This equation can be used to determine volts, and amperes as long as you are given at least 2 items.
Resistance Resistance is the friction generated by electricity moving through a wire. It limits the amount of electricity flowing through a wire. Imagine a straw and trying to poor a gallon of water through it fast. It would be near impossible to not spill this is the same as electricity. Trying to send a large amount through a small wire creates spillage, this is when you would blow or trip a breaker. However a larger pipe/wire would revent this.
For today’s Assignment Make a list of all the items that use electricity in your room. Using the list provided calculate how many watts of energy your room uses. then determine how many kilowatt hours you would use if you left all the items on for 24 hours This is what a kilowatt hour is 1kwh = 1000 watts X 1 hour, 100 watts X 10 hours, 25 watts X 40 hours so If you have a 100 watt light bulb and you leave it on for 10 hours, you have used one kilowatt hour. Current prices are about $.06 a kilowatt hour So using the information above determine what it would cost to power your room for 24 hours.