A Changing Nation
Learning Targets I can explain how the Supreme Court Rulings of McCulloch v. Maryland, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, and Gibbons v. Ogden strengthened the federal government and supported economic growth. I can analyze how the Monroe Doctrine shaped the United States policies in keeping European nations out of the Americas. I can explain how Democracy changed during the age of President Andrew Jackson. I can describe the events surrounding the Indian Removal Act. I can explain how that the Nullification Crisis was an attempted act of state power.
Three Important Supreme Court Rulings McCulloch V. Maryland (1819) The court protected the second Bank of the United States. The Case Grew out of an attempt by the state of Maryland to put a tax on the branch of the Bank opening in that state. The Bank Refused to pay.
McCulloch V. Maryland Decision States had no power to interfere with federal institutions. A tax, said the court, was a dangerous interference Because “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” The courts decision strengthened the power of the federal government compared to the state governments.
Group Activity With the people sitting around you please interpret this political cartoon.
Dartmouth College V. Woodward 1819 The Case: New Hampshire was trying to change the charter of Dartmouth College. The Decision: was that the Charter of Dartmouth was a private contract, and the Constitution protected private contracts.
The Decisions Impact In protecting private contracts, the court was protecting private business. By doing that the court was helping promote capitalism.
Gibbons v. Ogden 1824 The Case: If New York State could create a monopoly for a steamboat company. The Decision: The court ruled that New York State could not give a steam boat company a monopoly to carry passengers on the Hudson River.
Gibbons v. Ogden Impact The decision strengthened federal power because the court ruled: Travel on the Hudson River included stops in New Jersey as well as New York. Therefore it was Interstate Commerce-Trade between two or more states. Under the Constitution only Congress can regulate interstate Commerce. Again, the court strengthened the federal government at the expense of the states
Assignment On the Back of your Graphic Organizer Pick one of these 3 Supreme Court Decisions: Draw a Political Cartoon In the cartoon you will need to illustrate how that the Decision impacted the United States. Be Creative, We will work on it for the remainder of the class period as well as tomorrow.