MTSS Universal Tier 1 Training Day 1: Foundations of MTSS This presentation is planned for 30 minutes. 10 Minutes Overview slides 1-5 10 Minutes Welcome and norms slides 6 and 7 10 minutes grounding activity: Defining our Core slide 8 This is the first day of a series of 4 days
MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support) is a Framework for School Improvement MTSS training will develop the systems that support implementation of multiple initiatives and interventions. Review definitions of MTSS: A Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence-based framework that utilizes data-based problem solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The framework is designed to provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally in school. MTSS focuses on providing high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals, and continually checking fidelity of interventions. Data are used to allocate resources to improve student learning and support staff implementation of effective practices.
A Continuum of Support for All Universal Targeted Intensive MTSS A Continuum of Support for All Few Some Think about the triangle as pictured on this slide. Movement is fluid/blended. Children are not perceived to be fixed/trapped in programs, compartments, categories, or levels. The concept presented in this continuum is that a Multi-tiered system of supports is desirable and students move in and out of supports that meet their needs academically and behaviorally….but are always supported by the system. All
Training Plan (Current) First Year: Two-day training in Fall 2018 and two-day training in summer 2019 focused on MTSS Systems Framework and Tier I system Second Year: One-day training in summer 2019 and one-day training in the summer 2020 to complete the Tier 2 Framework and system Third Year: One-day training in summer 2021 and one-day training in the summer 2022 to complete the Tier 3 Framework and system On-going support of MTSS Implementation Specialists and on-line courses on the MT Teacher Learning Hub, CSPD’s and other Professional Development entities collaborating on MTSS The training days may be more frequent based of support of additional departments and grants. This represent a minimum cost, 3 year plan.
Welcome/Introductions/Objectives Teams will learn how to: •Establish effective teams and teaming structures to develop and implement integrated academic and behavior supports develop integrated teaming •Understand and accurately use Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPs) as a standard structured meeting foundations and problem-solving model •Understand the MTSS framework and use the Implementation Rubric to inventory existing practices to support student learning and guide team action. *Agenda Review Welcome the group. Introduce Teams, Implementation Specialists, and Trainers Identify Teams by school mascot (have them bring if possible) Review objectives and the agenda. Clearly define the course of the day.
Group Agreements (Norms) Be Respectful Be on time and present for all sessions. Come with high expectations of yourself, trainers, and colleagues. Be Responsible Each person is in control of their learning. Stay focused and engaged. Contribute your ideas and questions (Parking Lot) Be a Team Player Focus on the why and not just the how. Support your own and others’ learning by eliminating distractions (e.g., email, texting, side conversations). Stress the accountability for their own learning, involvement and success.
Grounding Activity: 01 Handout) Defining our core We are _________________________________________________ who are united in ________________________________________. To accomplish this we ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________. We know we are having an impact when _____________________ ________________________________________________________ think alone, partner share then group share for consensus Explain Consensus at this point – as a teaming process, or wait and see if they get stuck, then ask what they did to come to consensus.
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