English 4 Unit: Looking for Alaska Unit 2: Day 1 English 4 Unit: Looking for Alaska
Bellringer: You have ten minutes to copy the bellringer, organize your binder & journal for binder check, and prepare for your vocabulary test. The journals/binders must be on my desk and your things must be cleared ready to take the test by 9:45. Copy the following vocabulary word into your notes. The idea of a “labyrinth” will be an important motif throughout our text. Then, study your own vocab words! labyrinth ˈlab(ə)rɪnθ/Submit Noun 1.a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. "you lose yourself in a labyrinth of little streets" synonyms: maze, warren, network, complex, web, coil, entanglement
Agenda Warm-up: Journal Vocab quiz: 10 minutes Reading Quiz: 10 minutes Review home learning/reading quiz Introduce independent creative project Exit ticket: reflection journal about what you read
Vocab quiz: 10 minutes Must be silent If you finish early, please begin on your reading quiz. The reading quiz is open notes. When the 10 minutes is up for the vocab quiz, I will collect your vocab quizzes but you may continue to SILENTLY work on your reading quizzes.
Last night’s Assignment: let’s review During reading, take one paragraph and rewrite the narrative from a different perspective. You might choose to keep a first person narrative to change who the narrator is, or you might choose to write the story from a third-person omniscient narrator perspective. How does this different narrative style change the story?
Last night’s reading: what did you think? Who is Takumi? Sara? The Week Day Warriors? Dr. Hyde? Alaska? Chip? Miles? The setting?
“Who Are the characters?” Complete an independent creative project which illustrates and analyzes one character from Looking for Alaska. For example, create a poster using quotes or descriptions from the novel to draw a representation of how you visualize this character as a person. What can you discern about the character based on his/her use of language? How does this character describe their own appearance/How does Miles describe it? What kind of relationships does Miles have with this person? How would you describe their outlook on life in the first chapter of the novel?
Requirements: Your project must contain an image or images representing your character Your project must contain at LEAST one KEY quote (more is DEFINITELY better) You must explain what the quote shows about the character: what are his/her attributes? What do the quotes show? Your project must be visually appealing ! Due Sunday!
Ticket out the door Exit ticket please write: “Ms. Cole knows I’m going to rock the SAT!”