Honors Biology Class Friday, 2-5-2016 Standard Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction. Target: I can name and identify functions for all of the cell organelles. Question of the day What might happen to an organism if the cell was damaged and the nuclear membrane was no longer semipermeable? It would not be able to reproduce It would not be able to distribute proteins throughout the cell It would fill with toxic waste It would dehydrate Agenda Question of the Day Collect cell analogy Project Collect Scavenger Hunt Study Guide for Test Homeostasis video Cell Membrane Video Notes Membrane Transport Osmosis Video and Handout Grape Lab What is diffusion? Participate in paired Microviewer Lab activity Organelle card sort competition Turn in Biochemistry Homework in the basket, due Monday. Test Next Wednesday, 2-10-2016 on Cell Organelles and Diffusion with transport processes in the cell membrane If everyone makes an A(90) or higher we have a class party. How can we make that happen?
Cell transport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovHYKlHYpyA Osmosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaZ8MtF3C6M&feature=youtu.be Cell membrane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQgXfuFyKM4 Homeostasis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fhbbFd4icY&feature=youtu.be
Biology Class Thursday, 2-4-2016 Standard Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction. Target: I can name and identify functions for all of the cell organelles. Question of the day What organelle is missing when the cells products collect in as a group and do not travel throughout the cell? Endoplasmic reticulum Lysosomes Golgi apparatus Cytoskeleton Agenda Question of the Day Turn in Biochemistry Homework in the basket. Organelle card sort competition Complete and turn in Osmosis Lab report Complete cell analogy Project Turn in QR Code Scavenger hunt Continue Cell Analogy Assignment, Due Thursday at the end of class. Test Next Wednesday, 2-10-2016 on Cell Organelles and Diffusion with transport processes in the cell membrane If everyone makes an A(90) or higher we have a class party. How can we make that happen?
Biochemistry Homework Create an argument to decide; “What is the only biomolecule you would take on a mission to another planet.” It would have to sustain the lives of all of the living things on the spacecraft. Think of space limitations, preservation, and how it would be stored, and would everyone want to eat it? Minimum of 6 sentences. Due Monday, 2-8-2016 (or whenever you have it done before then.)