Welcome to Parent Orientation
Parent Communication -Website -Remind (school and classroom) -Email (jpalmer@jackson.k12.ga.us) -Agendas
Homework -Read at least 30 minutes each night. Write your book title in your agenda and have a parent sign. Students may read a book of their choice. They may also read from EPIC or RAZ KIDS websites. They have reading goals for quarter 1. -Math hw will be handed out by math teachers on occasion. -Projects and presentations are always going on in class, but a student may be motivated to work on them at home. (Google Drive: classpalmer@gmail.com and password is eagles14) Students will receive their own accounts soon. -Dreambox-login is Olunch# and password is Olunch# https://playdreambox.com/login/bmy6/btxu
Camp Wahsega -Payment plan begins September 9. $20.00 each month until March. Seven payments of $20 will total the $140. -Camp Wahsega website (www.wahsega4h.org) -Classes (streamocology, survival, challenge, etc) -Meeting in April
Topics Studied in 5th Grade -ELA includes reading, writing, and conventions (grammar) We have a language arts block and a guided reading block. -Math: this year the county has adopted Eureka Math. A great parent resource is this website: www.greatminds.net/parents -Science: Topics will include earth science, physical science, life science -Social Studies: Topics will span from Civil War to present day.
Technology -Yoga Think Pads -BYOT (forms)
Other -Box Tops and Tools for School -Arrival and Checking out early -Seven Habits of Effective Leaders/The Leader in Me -East Side Community Tailgate-Sept. 11th 5:30-7:00.