Church History Unit 2 Bluff Game
1. One, holy, catholic, and apostolic are all visible signs known as ______________________.
Marks of the Church
2. Our desire to increase understanding between all the religions of the world is called….
interreligious dialogue
3. Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are all Sacraments of ____________.
4. __________________ means that the pope is without error when he teaches officially on faith and morals.
5. _____________ is the Mark of the Church that describes its unity.
6. Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are Sacraments of ___________.
7. The seven _________________ are spiritual gifts that help us grow in holiness and live lives of virtue.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
8. Our efforts to unite all Christians together is called _________________.
9. _________________ is the Mark of the Church that reflects its universal nature.
10. __________________ represents Christ on Earth and is the leader of all Catholics.
The Pope
11. The sacraments are arranged as Sacraments of Initiation, Sacrament of Healing, and Sacraments at the Service of _________________.
12. The gift called “fear of the lord” can also be described as the gift of ____________.
13. The gift called “fortitude” can also be described as the gift of ____________.
14. The gift of piety can also be described as the gift of ___________.
15. The gift of counsel can also be described as the gift of __________.
right judgment
16. St. __________ describes the Church as the Body of Christ.
17. St. ___________ was executed for refusing to acknowledge King Henry VIII as the Head of the Church.
18. The pope lives in an independent state called _______________.
Vatican City
19. When the bishops work together with the pope, they are practicing __________________.
20. Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to others is known as __________.
21. Rosaries, crucifixes, and holy water are all examples of __________________.
22. A _____________ a special type of priest who is appointed by the pope to be in charge of a diocese.
23. The word “_____________” actually comes from a word that means “sent.”
24. The word “pope” comes from the Greek word “papa,” which means ______________.
25. A bishop’s church in his diocese is called a __________, which comes from the Latin word for “chair.”
26. The Church has a teaching authority called the ______________.
Final Bluff
Name all seven sacraments.
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders