All About Bryson Sakacsi
Family I have 2 siblings One sister and one brother My sister is 7 and my brother is 7 My dad is 34 and my mom is 35 I have 4 dogs
Hobbies and interests My fav. Sport is basketball Basketball is life I also like to hunt and fish I like to play baseball Also in my free time I like to play a little black ops and gta5 I like to go to cartersville high school football games
My favorites My favorite truck is a ford raptor. My favorite dog is a german sheperd. My favorite animal is a deer. My favorite actor is Adam Sandler. My favorite shoe brand is NIKE.
School I go to cartersville middle school I am in 8th grade Iv’e gone to cartersville schools since Kindergarden My favorite class is lunch And I ride bus 40
Career ideas/future For a career I wouldn’t mind doing something like my Dads buisness realistic rejuvenation or something like a Fireman Because I like things where you can use your hands But realistic rejuvenation is a job that you remodel homes And everybody knows what a fireman is And this is what I want to do when I get older
quiz What do I want to do when im older? what is my favorite animal? Fireman or realistic rejuvenation what is my favorite animal? A deer What is my favorite sport? basketball