Mrs. Hawkins 6th Grade ELA Daily Agenda “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” Beverly Sills
January 14, 2019 1st-2nd hour ELA Block Targets: Daily Warm-up I can identify main idea and supporting details Benchmark: Unit 1: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea and Supporting details I can make inferences I can draw conclusions Midterm I can write a cause and effect essay Cause and Effect essay’s due today!
January 14, 2019 3rd and 4th Hour ELA Block Targets: Daily Warm-up I can identify main idea and supporting details Benchmark: Unit 1: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea and Supporting details I can make inferences I can draw conclusions Midterm I can write a cause and effect essay Cause and Effect essay’s due today!
January 14, 2019 6th Hour ELA Builder Lesson 36 Check workbook Lesson 37 Word Attack, Group Reading, Reading Check-outs, workbook