Need more help? Attend after school sessions To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Notes to explain which images are your most successful and why And notes to explain which images were less successful and why. Taken more than one image for each formal element Notes added to some images to explain how the image demonstrates the formal element Take at least one photo for each of the formal elements Added the formal element name near the photograph To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Task1 Take a series of photographs that look like the 12 images from the Photo Safari. You should be using your camera settings knowledge for your photoshoot Present your photographs and notes in The Basics ppt Need more help? Attend after school sessions
What are the formal elements? To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements What are the formal elements?
To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Formal elements are the ‘building blocks’ that make up an image in art, photography and other areas of design. Most images contain one or more of these elements. space texture colour shape line pattern Emphasis of the formal elements, with intentional planning, will create a strong image.
Need more help? Attend after school sessions To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Line Shape Texture Pattern Space Colour Form Need more help? Attend after school sessions
Line Shape Texture Pattern Space Colour Form Photo Safari To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Go around the school and try to capture photographs that look like the images. You must also consider the formal elements. Photo Safari Formal elements Line Shape Texture Pattern Space Colour Form
Why are the formal elements important in photography? To understand what the formal elements are and apply them to a series of photographs. Explain the characteristics of each formal elements Why are the formal elements important in photography?