Definition of Terms BUYING CALENDAR This refers to a buying plan which includes the dates of purchase and the dates of sales to conform with the plan or manner of replenishing store stocks, and designed to make store stocks always available at all times.
DRAFTINGS This refers to the schedule in paying for the merchandise delivered either in full or in installments. DECENTRALIZED SYSTEM This refers to the manner delivered merchandises are received in their respective selling areas as in department stores.
DEPARTMENT STORE A retailing bussiness sheme where merchandises are departmentalized such as children ‘s department, ladies deparment , hardware department,etc. DISPLAY This refers to merchandise arrangement as for proper viewing, and handling especially when are for sale .
GOOD LOCATION In terms of a retailng business it refers to a place customers usually frequent. INVOICE REGISTER A book in bussiness in which vital information such the date of receiving the merchandise, the name of the vendor, the purchase amount, and the date the invoice is returned from the receiving desk.
The prevailing price of marketable commodity. KADIWA CENTER This refers to the government retails stores top help market prime commodities at lower price than commercial pricing to standardize prices of prime commodities for the benefit of the less fortunate. MARKET PRICE The prevailing price of marketable commodity.
MARKET This term refers to a place where people buy and sell various commodities ; it is a trading center . LAYOUT In retailing the term refers to the arrangement of display in cabinets and other fixtures to promote sales,etc. MARKETABLE Any thing that is for sale or can be sold .
MARKET VALUE The price that a commodity can be expected to bring when sold in a given market. MARK UP The amount added to the cost to cover overhead and profit in arriving at a selling price. MARK UP INDIVIDUAL The difference between the retail price of a single commodity.
MARK UP, INITIAL The difference between the cost and the original price of a commodity. MARK UP, INVENTORY The markup based on the total inventory of goods on hand . MERCHANDISE PLAN This is also called a merchandise budget containing all the marketing activities necessary and for a successful store operation.
MIGENS COOPERATIVE A scheme of mass food marketing in Europe introduced by gattheb duttweeter in 1952. this is done the cooperative way . OPEN TO BUY The volume of merchandise that a department or retail store can purchased for a balance of any period , which is usually a month.
PARTNERSHIP A banding together of two or more preson to raise a capital viable enough to finance a business enterprise . RETAILING MERCHANDISING This refers to the scheme of selling merchandise to the ultimate consumers in small quantities and at a price majority can afford.
SELLING CALENDAR This is a selling schedule which includes the estimated volume of salas usually determined long before the season of production. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP This is a type of business organization which is owned and operated by one person or his family .
SUPERMARKET This is a departmentalized retail merchandising establishment handling food and nonfood and commodities; it is either wholly owned or a corporate organization with larger capatalization and a volume of business of not less than a million annually. PRICE This refers to the exchange value of a merchandise or a service .
TRADE DISCOUNT It is a deduction in the billed price of a merchandide extend to the members of a trading group usually for patronage. MARKET RESEARCH The study of the demands or needs of consumers in relation to particular goods services.
ENTERPRICE A business venture ENTERPRICE A business venture. INVOICE REGISTER A book in business in which vital information such the date of receiving the merchandise, the name of the vendor, the purchase amount, and the date the invoice is returned from the receiving desk.
INVOICE REGISTER A book in business in which vital information such the date of receiving the merchandise, the name of the vendor, the purchase amount, and the date the invoice is returned from the receiving desk. Entrepreneur. A person who organize and manage a business undertaking assuming risk for the sake of profit .
TERMOS It is a scheduled time agreed upon by parties particularly for making payments either in installments or in full. ENTREPRENEUR A person who organize and manage a business undertaking assuming risk for the sake of profit .
COMMITMENTS in retail merchandising it refers to the amount of merchandise for which a buyer has contracted to buy for a given period. CONSUMERISM this refers to the costumers’ rights and privileges in terms of being a consumer per se.
CAPITAL STOCK The common and preferred stock a company is authorized to issue, according to their corporate charter. Capital stock represents the size of the equity position of a firm and can be found on the balance sheet (or notes) of a typical financial statement. Firms can both issue more capital stock, or buyback shares that are currently owned by shareholders.
Submitted by: Mary Grace Oropesa BSE-TLEIII Submitted to: Mr Submitted by: Mary Grace Oropesa BSE-TLEIII Submitted to: Mr. Ryan Angeles Instructor