Open-note quiz tomorrow Happy Monday! 10/22/18 SWBAT explain political parties, influence of media, and other factors in elections. Open-note quiz tomorrow
Democrats v. Republicans
Requirements to Run ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL OFFICES Representative At least 25 years old, a citizen for at least 7 years, and a resident of the state he or she represents Senator At least 30 years old, a citizen for at least 9 years, and a resident of the state he or she represents President and Vice President At least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen, a U.S. resident for at least 14 years
Requirements to Run (State Office) Florida legislators (Senators and Representatives) Constitutional Requirements At least 21 years old, live in the district they are running to represent and live in the state for at least 2 years before the election Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet Members Constitutional Requirements The governor, lieutenant governor and cabinet members must be at least 30 years old and live in the state for at least seven years.
Common Types of Interest Groups
What’s the Message? Propaganda is media that uses carefully-crafted messages to manipulate people’s actions and beliefs. Testimonials usually involve celebrities or other respected people endorsing, or officially supporting, a product or idea. Bandwagon propaganda creates the impression that there is widespread support for a thing or idea. Name-calling is exactly what it sounds like: using negative words and bad names to create fear and dislike for people, ideas, or institutions. Glittering generalities use simple, clever slogans that appeal to peoples’ emotions. Card stacking uses facts and figures to show one side as positive and the other side as negative. The plain folks technique is designed to send the message that a product or person is “just like you.” The transfer technique uses your feelings about one thing to get you to feel the same way about something else.
Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt Confirmation Lobbyist Watchdog Incumbent Policy Treaty Register Ballot Public opinion Mass media Public interest group Biased Primary General election Political Action Committee