Know to check all solutions Outcome Pyramid Percentages 3 – 5 hours I can use a multiplier to work out reverse percentages (B) I can use a multiplier to calculate compound interest. I can decide if I am trying to find the amount ‘before’ or ‘after’ a change. I can explain why this is important. Know to check all solutions I can use a multiplier to calculate percentage change. I can find a multiplier. I can explain how it relates to percentage and decimal conversions. I can apply percentages to simple interest problems. I can apply my skills to real life questions (independently) I can interpret exam questions. (literacy words eg. depreciation.) I can calculate percentage increases and decreases using a variety of strategies. I can convert freely between fractions decimals and percentages I can find the percentage of an amount. Including values over 100% of the original amount I can show one number as a percentage of another I can find a given fraction of a Number. I can calculate percentage increases and decreases using a single strategy I can complete worded questions with guidance. I can convert between percentage and decimal I can convert between percentage and fraction I can convert between fraction and decimal. I can multiply and divide by powers of 10. I can define percentage in my own words I can find equivalent Fractions I can find common factors and multiples