Parent-Teacher Conference Year 6 1st February 2018
Year 6 Team Teaching Specialist teachers: Ms Farial: Math/English/Science Ms Fera: Science/IPA Pak Yassin: Bahasa Pak Budi: IPS/social studies Specialist teachers: Pak Zain for PSPE Religion team (Pak Ikhwan, Pak Andy and pak Nyoman) Pak Hendra for Music Ibu Ely for Guiding and Counseling Specialist teachers
Another Event this semester Year 6 Assembly : February 21st 2018 Team Building : to be informed Graduation : TBD
USBN Textbook Ordered but hasn’t arrive The book that will be ordered
US and USBN US (Ujian Sekolah) Including all subjects taught. The form can be in practical and Writing test USBN 2018 3 Subjects Made by province/district Test composition:90% Multiple choice and 10% essay
Parents Support Keep reviewing student’s work/books Giving help when needed Provides books for resources Visit class websites to see e-book, theories and some practices Show them video or picture of something that they don’t exactly know Provide books in Bahasa to increase their vocabs Practices Makes Perfect …and..Pray..
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