Lesson 5 9.PCH.3 Understand necessary steps to prevent and respond to unintentional injury 9.PCH.3.2 Analyze reports of injuries to determine how they might have been prevented and what first aid measures should be taken
Statement of Objectives Today, we are going to look at injury reports to determine how the injuries could have been prevented and what first aid measures should be taken with that injury.
Focus: Unintentional Injuries Vote Activity Using a smartphone or chrome book, log into the Kahoot Game https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=86aaed14-ff6d-42ed- 967e-79e3f20b1eb9 You must use your name to get credit- this is a classwork grade
Discussion What is your reaction to the class voting on these behaviors? Why do you think that the “healthiest behavior” did not always receive the most votes? What does that say about our attitudes toward avoiding unintentional injuries that are related to these health behaviors?
With a partner, answer the following (on pg With a partner, answer the following (on pg.4- PCH notes- title: Unintentional Injuries What kind of injuries could result from unintentional falls? What kind of injuries could result from motor vehicle or motorcycle accidents? What kind of injuries could result from riding bicycles, ATV’s, or mopeds? What kind of injuries can result from competitive or recreational sports, such as football, soccer, baseball, skiing, snowboarding?
Statistics about unintentional injuries According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the United States, injuries, including all causes of unintentional and violence-related injuries combined, accounted for 51% of all deaths among persons ages 1-44 years of age. That is more deaths than non-communicable diseases and infectious diseases combined.
Statistics about unintentional injuries More than 180,000 deaths from injury each year- 1 person every 3 minutes Leading cause of death for people aged 1-44 in the US More than 2.8million people hospitalized with injury each year More than 29million people treated in the Emergency Department for injury each year More than $406 billion annually in medical costs and lost productivity
Statistics among young people For Americans aged 1-34, unintentional injuries claim more lives than any other cause For Americans aged 5-34, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death, claiming 18,266 American deaths- stat consistent each year in the US
Top Unintentional Injury Deaths ages 10-44 Unintentional motor vehicle crashes Unintentional poisoning Unintentional drowning Unintentional other land transport Unintentional fire/burns
After looking at the top causes of unintentional injuries, it is important to know how to help someone who has suffered some of these injuries What are some first aid skills you have learned previously?
First Aid Jig Saw Pg. 15 You will be given a first aid notes sheet. You will become the expert After reading through, take notes on the first aid Next, find the rest of the jig saw and share your first aid with the other pieces. You will also listen and take notes from the other classmates. 6 pieces total- Look for 5 other colors, or different numbers
Guided Practice Working with a partner, you will complete What’s going on here worksheet (pg 13). Your partner must have a different number scenario than you You will receive two injury scenarios. You will read the scenario and answer the questions on pg. 14- What’s Going On Here? Make sure to write which scenario number you have
Discussion Group members will share their scenarios After, I will read what happened
Independent Practice- Importance of Prevention You will create a comic strip that will help other students recognize the importance of injury prevention to decrease injuries and deaths due to unintentional injuries Include the injury that you are preventing, and advice or stats. Make sure to help others recognize the importance of injury prevention. You may demonstrate an unintentional injury
Notebook Organization Make sure you have all 16 sheets in your notebook and that your table of contents is up to date.
Notebook Check Complete with a partner. Partners are responsible for filling this out correctly!