What Is Social Studies?
GEOGRAPHY This strand focuses on different locations and the use of maps. This strand reminds us that the people and environment are ever changing.
HISTORY This strand focuses on time, including years and dates. It helps us understand how the past has helps to shape how things are today.
This focuses on our rights and responsibilities. CITIZENSHIP This focuses on our rights and responsibilities.
GOVERNMENT This strand focuses on officials who make decisions for a group of people. It teaches us about making, passing and enforcing laws.
S.S. SKILLS This strand focuses on the things you need to learn to help better understand the world around you. (how to read maps charts etc.)
CULTURE This strand focuses on the study of people’s customs and traditions.
ECONOMICS This strand focuses on money. It teaches us about our wants and needs, as well as supply and demand.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY This strand focuses on innovations that have changed people’s lives all over the world.
Activity: Social Study of CWMS Imagine that Central Wilkes Middle School is a small country and describe the geography, history, citizenship, government, culture, economics, technology use, and S.S. Skills needed to live in the country. Next to each description, provide an illustration of each.
GEOGRAPHY: Describe the physical geography of CWMS. How is it laid out GEOGRAPHY: Describe the physical geography of CWMS. How is it laid out? Where is it located? HISTORY: Describe something that happened at CWMS in the past (any time before today). CITIZENSHIP: What rights and responsibilities do students (or teachers) have at CWMS? GOVERNMENT: What type of government is in place at CWMS? Who are the officials? S.S. SKILLS: What S.S. skills does someone need to have to be able to be successful at CWMS? CULTURE: Describe a custom or tradition that CWMS has. ECONOMICS: What economic system is in place at CWMS? What do students use as currency? SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY: How does technology effect every day life for students at CWMS?