Organizing Life's Diversity Ms. Cuthrell
3.5 Analyze how classification systems are developed upon speciation. 3.5.1 Explain the historical development and changing nature of classification systems. 3.5.2 Analyze the classification of organisms according to their evolutionary relationships (including dichotomous keys and phylogenetic trees).
Classification The grouping of objects or information based on similarities. Taxonomy is branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics.
Aristotle’s System Greek philosopher (384-322 B.C) Classified organisms into 2 groups: 1. Plants Subgroups based on size and structure. 2. Animals Subgroups based on habitat and physical differences. Problems arose when new organisms were discovered. Groups did not show evolutionary relationships.
Linnaeus’s System Swedish botantist (1707-1778) System of Binomial Nomenclature -> based on physical and structural similarities which reflects evolutionary relationships. For example: although bats fly like birds, they also have hair and produce milk for their young; therefore they are classified as mammals rather than birds.
Scientific Classification
Taxonomy Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: H. sapiens In binomial nomenclature, organisms have a two word Latin name: EX: Genus- “Homo” meaning of modern humans. Species- “Sapiens” Latin for wise.