Elluminate your World! A quick guide to the explanation on how to use the many features of Elluminate (in Blackboard) to communicate with a classmate or instructor.
Overview Faculty, students, and staff have vested interest in utilizing online resources to present and learn educational material. Elluminate can facilitate this process much more efficiently than traditional applications because it offers the ability to communicate using multiple forms of communication at the same time. These include a chat window, sharing emoticons, viewing a video, or even simply listening vocals, all of which add a personal trait to online learning. Without an understanding of Elluminate, faculty, students, and staff members are limited to having to choose what form of communication is appropriate for their purpose. In most cases they would resort to email or Blackboard posts which can be viewed as impersonal and generic. Here, users will learn how to utilize the appropriate tools and usage of the Elluminate features.
Goals Convey the positive uses of Blackboard’s Elluminate sessions Describe a stress-free way to approach the use of Elluminate Help others become successful and encouraged to continue usage of this effective tool
Objectives At the end of this lesson, the students of the College of Education will be able to successfully use the resources featured on Elluminate through the use of Blackboard. -successfully log in -join, participate, and add to lessons or assignments -obtain ability to do the above without requiring outside assistance or guidance
Recall Follow along with each step Connect topic to what is already known: -create Blackboard account similar to that of an email with Instructor permission -log in with registered username and password -engage in participation using the interactive ways of communicating on Elluminate (e.g. talk, written chat conversations, emoticons, likes and dislike) -apply to topics studied and lessons learned
Getting Started Open internet browser you are most comfortable with Go to https://blackboard.jmu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp Log in with your personal username/ JMU E-ID and password Once logged in, select the class (through your courses) that you anticipate the Elluminate meeting session to take place in
Enter Elluminate Look for this set of links on the left side of your screen Select the last link, “Elluminate”
Session Selection Your page will now show a listing of Session Name, Moderator, Start Date, End Date, and Type Select and open the appropriate Session you are interested in It will take a second to load You will now see this notification:
Allowing Access Accept both Adobe and License Agreements (“I Agree”) Choose Connection Speed with which you prefer to run CONGRATULATIONS! You should now see your name under the list of participants in the top left-hand box
User Setup Plug in headset to test usability – keep plugged in Set up web cam for visual use Locate files you wish to share with others
Is this what your session page looks like? Check Yourself Is this what your session page looks like?
What to do? This is where most of your participation will be shown: There are many tools that are similar to other applications that users will be familiar with Below are the tools that help you write, highlight, and add shapes to your “Whiteboard” space
More Tools File Sharing Chat Room Participation These tools help with communication between classmates and proctors Chat Room Participation File Sharing
Summary You should now be able to log in to an Elluminate session without any outside assistance. - log into Blackboard -choose correct session -setup technology to communicate with your computer -actively participate on an online session meeting
Challenge Gather classmates to enter the same Elluminate session for about 15 minutes and find out something new about each other participant. This can be done using any of the tools. When completed, conduct a self evaluation and rate yourself on a 1-10 scale (10 as the highest) on your ability to communicate effectively through this type of “classroom” setting.
What now? Great job! Now that you have mastered the art of Elluminate, there are many other things you can take advantage of that work in similar ways to this form of technological communication. Next time you are looking to spice up your use of technology, try creating a Skype (video chat) account, choosing a server to use for instant messaging, or even invest in your own, physical SmartBoard. There is no stopping where these technologies will take you. Go explore!
Sources Google.com http://utakpilosopo.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/dilemma-turned-fulfillment-an-early-realization-in-the-online-teaching-industry/ http://conference.unctlt.org/conference/elluminate.htm http://teachers.bcps.org/teachers%5fsec/mopitz/classworkhomeworkandassessments.html http://googlereader.blogspot.com/2008/02/j-walking-with-reader.html