Latin America’s Environmental Concerns SS6G2
Air Pollution in Mexico City nearly 20 million people live here considered to be the 2ND MOST polluted city in the world Tokyo is first city’s population & location contribute to its bad air pollution problem
Air Pollution Over Mexico City
Air Pollution Over Mexico City
Causes of Air Pollution huge population = lots of cars high elevation--less oxygen so fuels don’t fully burn --higher level of gases that harm eyes, lungs, & the heart Sierra Madre mountains surround city & trap in polluted air
Surrounded by Mountains…
Air Pollution of Mexico City Effects: a. Breathing problems and lifelong diseases High medical costs High infant mortality (death) rate b. Bad smell even inside your house, work, and school c. Acid Rain Killing plants, animals, and destroying architecture d. Limited outside activity (especially with kids)
Solutions To reduce air pollution, the city promotes public transportation (buses, subway). The city is also testing buses that run on cleaner burning fuels. new restrictions on car use Can’t drive 1 day a week (different for each citizen) workshops to teach people about the environment
Amazon Rainforest - Characteristics largest rainforest in the world most of the rainforest is in Brazil Experiences a hot, humid, & rainy tropical climate Home to a huge variety of plants, trees, insects, birds, & animals Produces 1/3 of the earth’s oxygen
Amazon Rainforest
So, What causes the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest? Deforestation Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands for non-forest use The Brazilian government built a major highway system. b. opened rainforest to loggers c. Brazil’s population has increased
Before Deforestation…
There are many methods of Deforestation Method #1 - Clear Cutting is when all of the trees are cut leaving the ground bare No tree trunks, vegetation or nutrients are left on the land and so - it is longer than 50 years for the trees to grow back
After Clear cutting….
Method #2 - Slash and Burn This is whe the vegetation is cut and later it is burned to release the minerals into the soil. This is a common practice for farmers hoping to enrich the soil. Rain washes some of the soil nutrients away each time and after awhile the soil can no longer support crops. The period for this to happen is between 3 to 20 years. After the land is abandoned, the rainforest will take approximately 50 years to grow back because the soil quality is so poor
After Slash and burn….
Method #3 - Mudslides due to Erosion The roots of rainforest trees and vegetation help anchor the soil – keep it in place When trees are cut down there is no longer anything to protect the ground, and soils are quickly washed away with rain. The process of washing away of soil is known as erosion. As soil is washed down into rivers it causes problems for fish and people
Mud slide due to erosion....
Effects of Deforestation… Plants & animals are losing their homes; many are endangered, and some are becoming extinct. Loss of trees increases carbon dioxide gas that leads to global warming.
Solutions… The government is passing laws to limit the number of trees being cut Companies are replanting trees and “farming” them until they are mature enough to cut again.
PSA A public service announcement (PSA) is a message in the public interest with the objective of raising awareness of, and changing public attitudes and behavior towards, an issue
The effects of Oil Pollution
Oil-Related Pollution in Venezuela One of the world’s leading producers of oil has been producing oil for about 100 years Oil production has boosted economy Main source of income for many people Oil production results in toxic wastes, air pollution, & oil spills
Result of Drilling for Oil…
Causes Unscientific drilling Poor government involvement Lack of proper machinery to clean effected areas
Effects Venezuela’s coast has become polluted with oil. The environment is damaged Fishing industry is hurt Breathing problems for children and elderly
Effects… Oil businesses have damaged Lake Maracaibo (largest lake in South America). Large amounts of oil have been removed from the area so the land is changing. eastern shore of the lake is dropping about three inches a year government is having to take precautions to keep water from flooding into nearby towns
Oil spill…….
Problems… Money from selling oil is the country’s main source of income. Venezuelans are motivated to keep producing, selling, and burning oil--and polluting.
Solutions… Develop renewable energy sources Focus on clean-up and prevention of pollution Involve government more Better training of workers (investing in human capital)
Exit Ticket – “The Most Important Thing…” On your index card, write down the three most important things you learned today Please put your name and class period on the back of your card (the side with no lines)
So What and So Why? So What? What are the causes of the major environmental issues facing Latin America? So Why? What is being done about the issues and why is it important that countries fix their environmental issues?