Future Tense of 3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th conjugation verbs Lessons XXII and XXIV Lessons 22 and 24 Future Tense of 3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th conjugation verbs
Remember Future Tense? A long time ago, in happy Latin Land, we learned some FUTURE TENSE endings. They were super cool-looking: -BO (I will…) -BIMUS (we will…) -BIS (you will…) -BITIS (you will…) -BIT (h/s/it will) -BUNT (they will…) Problem: THEY ARE ONLY USED FOR 1st and 2nd CONJUGATION VERBS. THAT’S THE –O, -ARE and –EO, -ERE VERBS.
What about 3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th conjugation verbs??? Sadly, 3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th conjugation verbs do NOT use those super cool-looking endings (-bo, -bis, -bit, etc.). So we’ll move on to the new future endings… What?! You’ve forgotten what 3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th verbs look like over the 3-day weekend?!?! Well, let’s review…
Reviewing Verb Conjugations 3rd conjugation verbs have –o, -ere as their dictionary endings like pono, ponere. 3rd –io verbs have –io, -ere as their dictionary endings like capio, capere. 4th conjugation verbs have –io, -ire as their dictionary endings like audio, audire.
pono ponimus ponis ponitis ponit ponunt capio capimus capis capitis Present Tense (Review!): pono ponimus ponis ponitis ponit ponunt capio capimus capis capitis capit capiunt audio audimus audis auditis audit audiunt Remember that the “e” changes to “i” or “u” Remember that this has “i” in its stem
Making FUTURE Tense FUTURE TENSE for these verbs (3rd, 3rd –io, and 4th) looks very similar to PRESENT TENSE. The only difference is the vowels you use before the personal endings. Do NOT use the bo, bis, bit endings like we did earlier in the year.
ponam ponemus pones ponetis ponet ponent capiam capiemus Future Tense (“will….”) (Please copy the entire chart) ponam ponemus pones ponetis ponet ponent capiam capiemus capies capietis capiet capient audiam audiemus audies audietis audiet audient 3rd –io has an ‘i’ in every form! 4th already has ‘i’ in its stem!
·Present Tense ·pono ponimus ·ponis ponitis ·ponit ponunt ·Future Tense ·ponam ponemus ·pones ponetis ·ponet ponent
So…what does it mean??? Cibum in carrum ponimus. We place the food into the cart. Cibum in carrum ponemus. We will place the food into the cart. You know ponemus is future because you know that pono, ponere is 3rd conjugation and 3rd conjugation verbs use “E” in their future tense endings.
Every “E” Is Not Future Tense 2nd conjugation verbs have “e” that occurs naturally in their PRESENT tense. 2nd conjugation verbs: -eo, -ere doceo, docere: teach Present Tense Future Tense doceo docemus docebo docebimus doces docetis docebis docebitis docet docent docebit docebunt
Things To Take Away With You! If a verb ends in bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt, it’s DEFINITELY future tense. If a verb ends in –am it’s DEFINITELY future tense (1st person, “I will…”) If a verb ends in –es, -et, -emus, -etis, -ent it’s either PRESENT or FUTURE. Check its conjugation to see: 1st/2nd conjugation: PRESENT 3rd/4th conjugation: FUTURE If a verb ending has a combination of –ie-, it’s always future tense.
Practice! You may work with a partner. Turn in to the basket when done. Puellae equos agunt. Puellae equos agent. Caesar oppidum capit. Caesar oppidum capiet. Captivi ab oppido in silvam fugiunt. Litteras ad Marcum, amicum meum, mittam. Servus ab casa fugiet. Viri puellas defendent. I will lead the horses. We will send a messenger to town.