Chapter 7 Inside the Cell Biological Science, Third Edition – Scott Freeman Lectures by Cheryl Ingram-Smith
What’s Inside the Cell? Looking at cell structure, there are two broad groupings of life: Prokaryotes, which lack a membrane-bound nucleus. Eukaryotes, which have such a nucleus. Looking into groupings by evolutionary history, there are two types of prokaryotic cells, called Bacteria and Archaea, in addition to the Eukarya. For the Discovery Channel Video Cells, go to Animation and Video Files
Prokaryotic Cells The prokaryotic plasma membrane surrounds the cytoplasm, a term that includes all the contents of the cell. Prokaryotic cells generally have few or no substructures separated from the rest of the cell by internal membranes. Prokaryotes have a tough cell wall that protects the cells and gives them shape and structure.
A Prokaryotic Cell Ribosomes Plasmids Cytoplasm Chromosome Flagellum Plasma membrane Cell wall
Prokaryotic Cells Most prokaryotic species have one supercoiled circular chromosome containing DNA that is found in the nucleoid region of the cell. All prokaryotic cells contain ribosomes for protein synthesis. Ribosomes have a large and a small subunit and contain both RNA and protein molecules. The inside of prokaryotic cells is supported by a cytoskeleton of protein filaments. Some prokaryotes have tail-like flagella on the cell surface that spin around to move the cell.
Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Compared Major differences between typical eukaryotes and prokaryotes are as follows: (1) Eukaryotic chromosomes are found inside a membrane- bound compartment called a nucleus. (2) Eukaryotic cells are often much larger. (3) Eukaryotic cells contain extensive amounts of internal membrane. (4) Eukaryotic cells feature a diverse and dynamic cytoskeleton.
Eukaryotic Cells The relatively large size of the eukaryotic cell makes it difficult for molecules to diffuse across the entire cell. This problem is partially solved by breaking up the large cell volume into several smaller membrane-bound organelles. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells increases chemical reaction efficiency by separating incompatible chemical reactions and grouping enzymes and substrates together. For the Cell Biology Video Movement of Organelles in Vitro, go to Animation and Video Files For the Cell Biology Video Movement of Organelles in Vivo, go to Animation and Video Files
Animal and Plant Cells Generalized animal cell Generalized plant cell Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleus Chromosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum Centrioles Ribosomes Peroxisome Structures that occur in animal cells but not plant cells Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosome Mitochondrion Cytoskeletal element Plasma membrane Generalized plant cell Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleus Chromosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum Structures that occur in plant cells but not animal cells Ribosomes Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Cell wall Golgi apparatus Vacuole (lysosome) Chloroplast Peroxisome Mitochondrion Plasma membrane Cytoskeletal element On average, prokaryotes are about 10 times smaller than eukaryotic cells in diameter and about 1000 times smaller than eukaryotic cells in volume.
Animal and Plant Cells Generalized animal cell Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleus Chromosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum Centrioles Ribosomes Peroxisome Structures that occur in animal cells but not plant cells Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosome Mitochondrion Cytoskeletal element Plasma membrane
Animal and Plant Cells Generalized plant cell Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleus Chromosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum Structures that occur in plant cells but not animal cells Ribosomes Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Cell wall Vacuole (lysosome) Chloroplast Peroxisome Mitochondrion Plasma membrane Cytoskeletal element On average, prokaryotes are about 10 times smaller than eukaryotic cells in diameter and about 1000 times smaller than eukaryotic cells in volume.
The Endomembrane System Ions, ATP, amino acids, and other small molecules diffuse randomly throughout the cell, but the movement of proteins and other large molecules is energy demanding and tightly regulated. In the endomembrane system, proteins that are synthesized in the rough ER move to the Golgi apparatus for processing, and from there travel to the cell surface or other destinations (Figure 7.26).
The Secretory Pathway Hypothesis THE SECRETORY PATHWAY: A MODEL RNA Rough ER 1. Protein enters ER while being synthesized by ribosome. 2. Protein exits ER, travels to cis face of Golgi apparatus. cis face of Golgi apparatus Golgi apparatus 3. Protein enters Golgi apparatus and is processed as the cisternum moves toward the trans face. 4. Protein exits Golgi apparatus at trans face and moves to plasma membrane. trans face of Golgi apparatus Plasma membrane 5. Protein is secreted from cell.
How Are Products Shipped from the Golgi? Each protein that comes out of the Golgi apparatus has a molecular tag that places it in a particular type of transport vesicle. Each type of transport vesicle also has a tag that allows it to be transported to the correct destination. Figure 7.30 illustrates the current model for how proteins are sorted into distinct vesicles in the Golgi and then targeted to their correct destination. Some proteins are sent to the cell surface in vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane, releasing their contents to the exterior of the cell in a process called exocytosis. For the Cell Biology Video Secretion from the Golgi, go to Animation and Video Files
The Golgi Apparatus: Proteins Are Sorted into Vesicles PROTEIN SORTING AND VESICLE TRANSPORT 1. In the endomembrane system, proteins bound for lysosomes or rough ER are given different carbohydrate “tags.” Proteins bound for secretion have built-in export signal. Lumen of Golgi apparatus 2. Proteins are sorted in the Golgi when they bind to different receptors. “Tags” 3. Transport vesicles bud off the trans face of the Golgi and travel to their destinations. Receptors Cytosol Transport vesicles 4. Proteins on vesicle surface interact with receptors at destination. To plasma membrane for secretion Return to the ER Lysosome 5. Vesicle delivers contents.
The Dynamic Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is a complex network of fibers that helps maintain cell shape by providing structural support. The cytoskeleton is dynamic; it changes to alter the cell’s shape, to transport materials in the cell, or to move the cell itself. The three types of cytoskeletal elements are actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. For the Cell Biology Video Cytoskeleton Protein Dynamics, go to Animation and Video Files
A Motor Protein Moves Vesicles along Microtubules Structure of kinesin Tail Stalk Head
A Motor Protein Moves Vesicles along Microtubules Kinesin “walks” along a microtubule track. Transport vesicle Kinesin Every step requires energy Microtubule end end