United States History II The Dawn of the 21st Century Road Map for Success: The Dawn of the 21st Century (January 1, 2000-present) With the dawn of a new century, a new millennia; many certainties that the United States had taken for granted quickly came into question. Who was going to be our new president? Did the election of 2000 have a just outcome? How can the United States of America be the strongest country in the world, yet be so divided? What was the United States’ role in the rapidly changing world? Why would anyone want to attack us? Would terror reign, or would freedom? Will we ever truly be safe? The answer to these questions and many more just like them are still in question, and may be for some time. The answers certainly will not be found in the pages of any textbook available today. But maybe, we can examine the 2000 election as well as some diplomatic initiatives taken by the Bush administration in an effort to better understand the situation in which we are now living—and possibly even make a few educated guesses as to where we are headed as a country and why!?! A “New Day of Infamy”-Boston Globe Headline, Sept.12, 2001 You will master the following learning standards: USII.32 Explain the importance of the 2000 presidential election. A. the Supreme Court Case, Bush v. Gore. B. the growing influence of the Republican Party in the South and the consolidation of the Democratic Party’s hold on the coasts. USII.33 Analyze the course and the consequences of America’s recent diplomatic initiatives. A. the attempts to negotiate a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. B. America’s response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
Depth of Understanding (1-4) Skill I CAN… Classroom Activities Depth of Understanding (1-4) How do I get there? 1) Examine the Supreme Court case, Bush v. Gore (2000) 2) Evaluate the Supreme Court case, Bush v. Gore (2000) 3) Identify geo-political trends in the United States SELF ASSESSMENT HOW ARE YOU DOING SO FAR??? 4) Recall the origins and course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 5) Identify U.S. backed peace plans to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 6) Analyze the motives behind the September 11, 2001 attacks the World Trade Center and the Pentagon 7) Evaluate America's response to the September 11, 2001 attacks 8) Predict challenges and opportunities Americans may face in the 21st century