Maps World Geography
Maps vs. Globes Globe Accurate/scale model of earth 3 D representation Disadvantages: Big and bulky (hard to carry) Can only see one side at a time Cannot see small details
Maps vs. Globes Maps Portable- easy to transport Can see the whole world Can zoom in on small scale (street level) Disadvantages: Distort at least one of the following: Size Shape Distance Direction
We need a mental picture of the whole world, not just certain parts of it. This is “big geography.” Cartoon source unknown. If you know the source, please share with Director, World History for Us All,
Africa U S A. South America
Hi. I’m Mundo. Did you know that how we “see” the world depends on how we project the world?
which kind of distortion? The Earth is a sphere. Therefore, it cannot be projected on a flat map without distortion. The question is, which kind of distortion?
Three World Map Projections Mercator, Peters, and Robinson Copyright © 1999 Peter H. Dana, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, 1995. The Geographer's Craft Project, Department of Geography, The University of Colorado. Http:// .
On a Mercator projection, invented by Gerardus Mercator in 1569, any straight line is a line of constant compass bearing. This enables a navigator to plot a straight-line course. Any straight line on a Mercator-projection map is a line of constant true bearing that enables a navigator to plot a straight-line course.
Fact: South America is 8 times as large as Greenland. Despite the values of the Mercator Projection, it distorts the size and shape of land areas. Fact: South America is 8 times as large as Greenland. Fact: Africa is 14 times as large as Greenland. The Peters Projection is an “equal area” map. It represents areas accurately, but it seriously distorts shapes. Compare the size of Europe to Africa on the two maps. Compare the size of the former USSR to China on the two maps. Land area of Alaska: 615, 230 sq. miles. Land area of Texas: 267, 277 sq. miles. Texas is 43% of the size of Alaska.
Types of Maps Physical Maps Help you to see the types of Landforms and Bodies of Water found in a specific area. Color, shading, and contour lines are used to indicate elevation or altitude, also called relief.
Types of Maps Political Map Show features on the Earth’s surface that humans created. Cities, states, provinces, territories, countries
Types of Maps Thematic maps Shows a theme or topic (climate, ethnic mix of city, land use) Focuses on specific types of information Natural resources Population density Food Religion
Parts of a Map Date Title Author
Parts of a Map T.O.A.D.S. T = Title: The map must have a title so we know what we are looking at. O = Orientation: There must be a compass rose to show direction. A = Author: The map must show who created it. D = Date: There must be a date on the map. S = Scale: It must be drawn to scale (accurate size) and include a scale reference.
Parts of a Map USA 9/9/2010 Mrs. Wilson
Review Name 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of using a globe. Name the four things that can become distorted on a map. Name 3 types of maps. Which type of map shows features on the Earth’s surface that humans created? Which type of map focuses on specific types of information? Which type of map shows types of Landforms and Bodies of Water found in a specific area?
Review Which type of map uses color, shading, and contour lines to indicate elevation or altitude? Name the 5 parts of a Map that must always be included. (Hint: Ribbit, Ribbit) Which “part” on a map shows direction? Here’s a hard one: For Extra “Points” Which part on a map shows the ratio between a unit of length on the map and a unit of distance on the Earth? THE END!