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Career Research Paper Presentation Rubric _____/5 5 slides total (1 for each paragraph of your paper). Presentation should be colorful and creative. There should be at least 3 images in your presentation that represent different aspects of your career such as education/training, job description, advancement, etc. _____/5 Each slide effectively summarizes the main point of that paragraph (no more than two sentences per slide). Bullet points are preferred. _____/5 Your voice is clear and smooth as you present; it is clear that you have practiced your presentation. _____/5 Standing up straight, not fidgeting, a minimum of “um”s and “like”s, presentation is a minimum of 2 minutes.
Pre-AP Career Research Paper Presentation Rubric _____/5 7+ slides total. Presentation should be colorful and creative. There should be at least 5 images in your presentation that represent specific aspects of your career. _____/5 Each slide effectively summarizes the main point of that paragraph (you should not write so much that you can read directly off the side; consider them more like talking points). Bullet points are preferred. _____/5 It is clear that your presentation acuratily represents the research you have conducted. Be sure to cite your sources! _____/5 Professionalism. Standing up straight, not fidgeting, a minimum of “um”s and “like”s, presentation is a minimum of 4 minutes. Your voice is clear and smooth as you present; it is clear that you have practiced your presentation.