By Emma Serikaku & Katie Stearney 2nd Period Fragile X Syndrome By Emma Serikaku & Katie Stearney 2nd Period
Characteristics Fragile X syndrome is a genetic syndrome and the most common form of inherited mental retardation. The characteristics of fragile X syndrome are learning disabilities, large ears, long face, soft skin, flat feet, macroorchidism, double jointed fingers, ADHD, social anxiety, and hand flapping. It’s a sex-linked, gene disorder, and its detected with the FMR1 DNA test.
Population of individuals affected 1 in 4,000 males are born with it and 1 in 6-8,000 females are born with it. Fragile X syndrome can occur in both male and female, but occurs mostly in male, and in all ethnicities.
Treatment and mortality rate Fragile X syndrome is not fatal, and there is no known treatment for the disorder. The use of antidepressants, stimulants, anti-seizure drugs, and antipsychotics will help with the symptoms of Fragile X symptom.
Facts… Fragile X syndrome is also known as Martin-Bell syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is named because the chromosome with the mutated gene appears as if it will break down. The symptoms of this syndrome are more severe in males than in females.