Warm- Up: Analyze this graphic: 1) Use the graphic below to explain (in your own words) what you think vertical & horizontal integration is
WRITE ON YOUR WARM-UP SLIPS! CHOOSE 3 of the following to identify and describe: (What is it-why is it important to this unit of study--3 sentences… each) Credit Mobilier Scandal Laissez Faire economics 3 Reasons U.S. was able to industrialize Union and Central Pacific Chinese and Irish Immigrants 3 important inventions
Money Money Money Money! Big Business Baby! Money Money Money Money!
Who was Andrew Carnegie? Self-made millionaire (estimated net worth in today's dollars = up to $297 Billion) Utilized method for creating steel cheaply (Bessemer Process) Owned US Steel based in Pittsburgh (Steelers) Utilized method of vertical integration
Let’s take another look
What is Vertical Integration? Company owns every aspect of its business needed to operate. Turn and Talk: Try to create a list of everything McDonald’s would need to own to be vertically integrated
Who was J.D. Rockefeller Self-made billionaire (world’s first) (estimated net worth today: up to 663 billion – wealthiest person EVER) Oil tycoon Creates a monopoly known as Standard Oil Used a method called horizontal integration to amass his fortune
Let’s take another look
What is Horizontal Integration? Company buys competing businesses Turn and Talk: Try to create a list of everything McDonald’s would need to own to be horizontally integrated
Turn and Talk: Analyze this primary source 1) What images do you see in this cartoon 2) What is the artist trying to say
Key Terms on Businesses Trust: legal arrangement that allows one person to manage another person’s company—in business this was done through controlling stock shares Holding Companies: control stock of other companies; not the company itself Monopoly: Controlling the majority of a particular business sector or type
Jigsaw Activity In your groups you will receive 4 mini-bios of some of the Titans of Industry Each person is to read one and compile a list of key ideas about the their individual After everyone is done reading and compiling info each person will take a turn explaining to the rest of their group who their person was Everyone else in the group will create a graphic organizer with information on each person’s individual Once each person has taken their turn, groups will create a poster identifying key facts about EACH of the Titans of Industry NAME
COFFEE SHOP CHATS: “HI I AM…” Read and learn Choose an INTERESTING TOPIC; try to talk about yourself in the conversation. Consider this a big business brag session. PLAN A CONVERSATION. Every sentence you say has to start with “Hi I Am…” or “I believe” SHARE YOUR CONVERSATION