Warm Up Today in History- 1933 - German president von Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor. Why did he appoint Hitler? How did Hitler take over? Word- Appeasement
Focus Question/ Maine Theme How did the Spanish Civil War forecast what was to come during WWII?
What is the point of Forecast? How is a forecast helpful?
Task 1 Read Spanish Civil War section Pages 573 & 574 and answer the following about the incident. Who What When Where Why How
Picasso’s Guernica How do you interpret the photo? 5-10 sentences
RAFT Assignment It is 1936. You are an American senator and ranking member of the Armed Services Committee. You are in your home district on business. A Civil War has just begun in Spain, and your local citizens want to know what actions you believe Americans and American soldiers should take. Things to Consider…No not everyone! Will you support American intervention? Will you support the continuing American isolationism? If you support intervention, what side do you support? Do you believe that this Civil War is part of a greater world movement of dictatorship that must be prevented? Do you believe that the insurgent forces could return Spain to more traditional values? One Page Minimum 8 Underlined facts! Due Tomorrow