S.E.E.D. 1 Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Please sign in and pick up the agenda and handouts for the meeting. October’s Theme: “OTHER” Essential Question: How does our understanding of “other” impact our roles in district #191? Essential Vocabulary: oppression, prejudice, social power, in-group bias
Braided Lives Readings Use “Discipline of the Circle” to share your thoughts from any of the 3 Braided Lives selections Apa - pages 128-130 Theme for English B - pages 210-211 Local Sensibilities - pages 271-272
Working Definitions: Oppression Prejudice Social Power In small groups, develop a definition for each of the following terms: Oppression Prejudice Social Power
Working Definitions Oppression – systematic subjugation of a disempowered social group by a group with access to social power (prejudice + power) Prejudice – set of negative beliefs, generalized about an entire group of people Social Power – access and availability to resources needed to get what you want and influence others
Working Assumptions Oppression is Pervasive we’ve all absorbed oppressive behaviors… Oppression is Not our Fault we may/may not benefit from these systems but we CAN challenge the system Oppression Hurts ALL oppressor and oppressed are hurt - hidden costs = lack of exposure to others/less learning; limited self-insight; denial of an accurate sense of history; fear of the oppressed; loss of talent, skills, and insight from other groups/cultures Individuals and Organizations Can and Do Grow and Change we can make the choice to support or dismantle oppression
Art Activity Choose the image that best fits your taste in art. Then sit with your group.
In-Group/Out-Group & Attribution Theory In-group bias: the tendency of people to favor their own group “Ultimately, many forms of discrimination and bias develop not because out-groups are hated, but because positive emotions such as admiration, sympathy, and trust are reserved for the in-group.” (Brewer, 1999)
In-Group/Out-Group & Attribution Theory Out-groups seen as more homogenous as In-groups Attribution Theory – Internal/External Disposition vs. Situation Lack of in-group bias among black children partly responsible for 1954 Brown v. Board of Ed. Decision - Kenneth & Mamie Clark research found that black children preferred playing with white dolls - reversal of in-group bias http://www.mediathatmattersfest.org/films/a_girl_like_me/
Break! Enjoy the food – thanks to Tara & Sarah! Please be back and ready to go in 25 minutes
Jane Elliot – Blue Eyed Best known for “Eye Color” exercise with 3rd graders in Riceville, Iowa Elliot believes it’s important for whites to experience the emotional impact of discrimination for themselves “A person who has been raised and socialized in America has been conditioned to be a racist… we live in two countries, one black and one white.” This video is from 1995 93 minutes – we’ll see an excerpt of about 1 hour
Wheel of Oppression – Identify the “isms”
Wheel of Oppression Ageism Sexism Racism Classism Heterosexism Others? Religious Oppression Ableism
Bully Target Bystanders Possible Defender Ally
Unlearning Oppression Read the paper titled, “Assumptions for Unlearning Oppression” Take a moment to process this information… Choose a partner and discuss 1 idea that speaks to you from this page.
Homework for November Next Meeting – Tuesday 11/19/13 Make a list of the ways our school system keeps the wheel of oppression turning. This will be shared in small group. Read: White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh (pgs.138-144) in Seeding the Process Journal: Make a list of how white privilege has affected your life. This will be shared in the large group. Read Chapter 1 & 2 from We Can’t Teach…by Gary Howard Journal: What have been your own formative experiences related to race?