What is happening when you press on your friend's arm? Pressure What is happening when you press on your friend's arm?
What is Air Pressure? The force air molecules exert on something as they move around and are pulled down by gravity.
Weight of Air Plungers and Vacuum Demonstration
What is Air Pressure A few demonstrations: Straw with water Balloons Cup and Index Card
Changing Air Pressure https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gas-properties
Temperature and Pressure Bottle and Crushing Can Demonstration
Air Pressure: Changes What affects air pressure? Higher Temperature air moving faster = more pressure Amount of air more molecules = more pressure Volume less room to move = more pressure
Air Pressure and Air Motion Why does air leave an inflated balloon?
Air Pressure and Altitude Because most air is held down to the Earth, higher elevations have lower air pressure.
Why do your ears pop with changing altitude?