Manchester Local Schools Comprehensive Technology Assessment (CTA) By Joshua Chadima
Explanation of My Evaluation In the Spring I had been asked to take on the online testing process for 4th grade. It was the first time we had ever taken online state testing and I was in charge. I first sent out a survey monkey about the technology needs of our district to my colleagues. I also sat down with my Superintendent and asked him about the issue. He gave me a survey and researched backed information of what other districts have been struggling with while dealing with online testing. This helped me start my process. This year I have been looking at technology issues as a whole district.
Who Did I meet with? I met with our schools technology teacher about our building needs and how the new technology lab is working for our students. I met with my Principal about any issues she has with technology in our building and Areas she is trying to work on. I met with my 4th grade team and we evaluated the technology needs in 4th grade. Last I met with our districts technology coordinator / Vice Principal and discussed a technology policy's, budget, technology needs and a 5 year plan.
Manchester's Budget Total District in a year -14-15 Million a year -85% of the budget goes to Salary & Benefits -25,000 A year goes to a Technology Budget 15% goes to needs/ other
Technology Budget The next pages are our technology budget and the efforts of a plan to improve the technology needs that are needed in our district.
Thank You I have learned a lot through these interviews and this research process. I am excited to meet with other administrators in my district and continue learning about budgeting and how to make sure technology and school needs are met in their buildings. I want to send a huge shout out to Mr. Ross for allowing me to spend a couple of hours with him talking about our budget and technology problems. Mrs. Pappas for allowing me to learn from her and ask questions about being a elementary school Principal. My fourth grade team for always allowing me to pick their brain and For Brandy Cash our technology lab teacher at Nolley for the answering questions about her lab.
Work Cited Interviews with: Christi Pappas Brandy Cash Janet Toth, Becky Matson & Kristin Oakes Scott Ross Pictures from Google Photo Manchester Local Schools Technology Documents