Introduction to Economics
economics The study of how people, businesses, and nations make choices
scarcity When you have a limit of something, how do you use it for the best?
goods Things that can be seen, touched, and bought or sold Ex. Sunglasses Popcorn books
services An activity/action done for other people to get money Ex. Teaching Cleaning
resources Things that can be used to produce/make goods and services
needs Things everyone needs to live/survive Ex. Food Clothing Shelter/home
wants Things people would like to have/desire Ex. TV Pager car
Four factors of production Things needed to make goods and services Natural resources – sunlight, water, air, land, etc… Labor - workers Capital – things like machines and tools that are used to make goods and services Entrepreneurs – people with ideas for making new goods and services
Opportunity cost People have to make choices When you make a choice, one choice wins and one choice loses Opportunity cost is what is lost when you choose