Evaluate ethical behavior in a health care setting Ethical and Legal Evaluate ethical behavior in a health care setting
Ethics Definition: set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong Provide a standard of conduct or code of behavior Many ethical dilemmas d/t modern health care advances In book on page 111.
Ethical Code Most national organizations affiliated with health care occupations have established codes for personnel Contain basic principles: Saving life #1 Keep pt comfortable Treat all pts equally More listed on pages 111-112
Confidentiality MAINTAIN Ethical code Definition: Information about the pt MUST remain private and can be shared only with other members of the pt’s health care team Legal violation if pt suffers personal or financial damage if shared with others, including family members Gossiping about patients is ethically wrong
Patients’ Rights Federal and state legislation requires health care agencies to have written policies concerning patients’ rights, or the factors of care that a pt can expect to receive All personnel are expected to respect and honor these rights
Patient’s Bill of Rights Talked about in previous presentation Affirmed by the American Hospital Association Recognized and honored by many health care facilities
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 Led to the development of many regulations regarding long-term care and home health care Requires states to establish training and competency evaluation programs for nursing and geriatric assistants Regulations serve to ensure certain standards of care
Resident’s Bill of Rights Every long-term care facility must inform residents or their guardians of rights covered under OBRA and a copy must be posted in each facility List of rights on pages 112-113 Health care workers can face job loss, fines, and even imprisonment if they do not follow and grant established rights
Professional Standards Legal responsibilities, ethics, patients’ rights, and advance directives all help determine the type of care provided by health care workers By following certain standards at all times, you can protect yourself, your employer, and the patient
Basic Professional Standards Perform only those procedures for which you have been trained Use approved, correct methods while performing any procedure Obtain proper authorization before performing any procedure Identify the patient Pages 115-116
Continued… Obtain the patient’s consent before performing any procedure Observe all safety precautions Keep all information confidential Think before you speak and carefully consider everything you say
Still more… Treat all patients equally Accept no tips or bribes for the care you provide If any error occurs or you make a mistake, report it immediately to your supervisor Behave professionally in dress, language, manners, and actions
More info about Standards Even when standards are followed, errors leading to legal action sometimes still occur Liability insurance constitutes an additional form of protection It is YOUR responsibility to understand the legal and ethical implications of your particular health career