10th Gr. Week 21 Agenda & Obj. 1/27-1/31 Monday & Tuesday: No School BRRRRR! Wednesday-Thursday: Fahrenheit 451 By the end of Gr.10, read and comprehend literature… Write routinely… shorter time frames… for a range of tasks… Determine the meaning of words… as they are used in the text… Helping visual learners understand the play. Stopping every so often to ask questions. Analyze how complex characters… develop… Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… Friday: No School (Conferences)
“Men are what their mothers made them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Daily Writing: Mom 1/29/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Men are what their mothers made them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson “My mother taught me to treat a lady respectfully.” ~Chris Brown Planner Reading & study guide questions due Monday
Wednesday: Fahrenheit 451 Show me your “escape” pic & your vocab worksheet. Journal title: Escape What are the stresses we have today? How do people escape, ways people deal with the pressures of life? Explain the relevance of your picture, and post it on the bulletin board. In what ways do advertisers take advantage of our need to relax, our need to "escape." What happens when people go too far in their escapes- - when their minds and/or bodies go "on holiday" too long? Go through vocab Notebook title: 451 Vocab Part 1 Write the word, definition and either a sentence or a picture for each word. Popcorn read. Finish reading and ?s by Monday.
What parts of nature do you like best? Daily Writing: What? 1/30/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: What parts of nature do you like best? What do you do for exercise? What four things are most important in your life? Planner Reading & study guide questions due Monday
Think.Pair.Share (8 mins) Journal title: Write the other Way Thursday: Fahrenheit 451 Think.Pair.Share (8 mins) Journal title: Write the other Way Bradbury opens the novel with a quote from Juan Ramón Jiménez: “If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.” Why did Bradbury select this statement, and what does it mean? Write two paragraphs on how this statement relates to what you have learned from the research projects and discussions last week.
Think.Pair.Share 2 (8 mins) Journal title: Today’s Witch Hunts Thursday: Fahrenheit 451 Think.Pair.Share 2 (8 mins) Journal title: Today’s Witch Hunts Having read and discussed McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials, do you see any connections to similar “witch hunts” going on today? Who are the targets of these attacks? Why are certain groups identified as “dangerous” to the American Way?
Journal title: Today’s Witch Hunts (continued…) Watch video: Thursday: Fahrenheit 451 Journal title: Today’s Witch Hunts (continued…) Watch video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/09/michele-bachmann-911_n_3893575.html Create a comparison-contrast graphic organizer in which you present the essential elements of McCarthy’s accusations next to Bachmann’s. Are the accusations justified or not? When you’re done, read silently and work on your study guide questions due Monday!
Monday: Fahrenheit 451 Journal title: Books Open Doors Write one page about a book that opened new doors for you. If a book had a profound impact, explain why. If the book was pleasurable, explain in detail what kind of pleasure was experienced.
Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”