Jana Kokoscha Mike Lindenau Ceyhun Ceylan & Burak Top Environment in Bremen Jana Kokoscha Mike Lindenau Ceyhun Ceylan & Burak Top
Table of contents Waste management CO² reduction Climate Waters in Bremen Nature conservancy Renewable energy Traffic Energy policy Green zone
Waste management April 1985 opened the first recycling yard There are many disposal put in Bremen.
CO² reduction Since the beginnig of the 90‘s in bremen More electricity from renewable sources 450.000 tons less per year
Climate Rainfall Hours of sunshine Average lowest teperature Average highest temperature Hours of sunshine
Waters in Bremen The Weser is the most known river in Bremen. Many lakes you can go swimming Small rivers and lakes all around Bremen
Nature conservancy One of the most natural cities in Germany
Renewable energy Firstly : Old factories Than : Nuclear power stations And than : '' clean energy ''
You can go by : Bus Train Bike Car Trams Traffic You can go by : Bus Train Bike Car Trams
Energy policy Greenhouse gas emissions will be cut down to 40 percent by 2020. Energy objectives : Economics Security of supply & Substainability
Green zone The green zone in Bremen is separated into 3 steps: 1st January 2009 all are allowed 1st Januar 2010 with a red badge 1st July 2011 only with a green badge
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