Kahoot & Quizlet Live
Kahoot Options Quiz Example Jumble Example Discussion Example QUIZ – most commonly used; includes timed responses and a points system; creates a competitive atmosphere JUMBLE – challenges players to place answers in the correct order rather than selecting a single answer DISCUSSION – a single question; mostly used to ignite discussion at the beginning of a session; non-competitive SURVEY – similar to a Kahoot quiz, but without points; great to use for feedback Quiz Example Jumble Example Discussion Example Survey Example
Be Creative With Kahoot! Review, revise, & reinforce – revise topics, reinforce knowledge, recap leaning, pre-assess and practice before exams. Re-energize & reward – break the ice, re-energize the classroom, reward good behavior, or just have a little fun. Get classroom insights – test personal knowledge, evaluate understanding, or create a Kahoot to assist formative assessment. Gather opinions – think beyond a Kahoot quiz! Create a Kahoot to survey opinions and insights, facilitate discussions, and initiate debate. Motivate teamwork – help students develop 21st century skills, including communication and teamwork; encourage collaboration in your class by playing in team mode. Challenge past results – students can use Ghost Mode to play again a previous score or someone else’s; great for reinforcing through repetition. Join global classrooms – connect with classrooms in over 180 countries and play in real-time using screen share. Introduce new topics – kick-off a lesson, introduce new concepts or preview content Turn learners into leaders – challenge students to create their own Kahoots individually or in groups Teach other teachers – create a Kahoot for department meetings or to use with colleagues
Quizlet Live Collaborative classroom game Quizlet Live Demo How To Use Quizlet Live Collaborative classroom game Teams of students work together, racing to answer questions from a Quizlet study set Correct answers allow a team to move ahead earning points, but wrong answers send teams back zero Games are played using Quizlet study sets
Quizlet Live @ SMHS (Advanced Math)
Quizlet Teacher Account Customize Quizlet Live Games!
Quizlet Learn – NEW FEATURE! Quizlet Learn Video Quizlet Learn – NEW FEATURE! Adaptive and personalized learning Takes a study sets and sets reminders and goals for studying the material
Quizlet Diagram – NEWEST FEATURE! Allows users to create diagrams using annotation tools, locations and definitions, and even add layers to create customized study material.