Judaism Ch 5 Section 1
Key Terms Monotheism: belief that there is only one God Ethics: ideas of right and wrong Torah: consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible Covenant: a binding agreement Exodus: escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt Commandment: is an order to do something
Origins of Judaism Judaism has helped shape Christianity and Islam & ideas about law and human rights. Israelites practiced monotheism Believe that God created each person to act based on ethics Became known as Judaism, the religion of the Jewish people One of the world’s oldest religions.
Torah Written Torah=the first five books of the Bible Torah readings are important to Jewish worship services. Some laws and customs passed down through oral traditions- Oral Law About Abraham, who lived about 1700 BC. He lived in Ur and herded sheep and other animals. God told Abraham to leave Ur and travel to a land called Canaan. God made a covenant with Abraham that Canaan would belong to Abraham and all his descendants. Canaan became known as the Promise Land
Moses Book of Exodus states Moses was an Israelite who was adopted by the pharaoh's family. God appeared to Moses, told him to rescue his people from slavery in Egypt and the pharaoh refused. Exodus describes the hardships that God put upon Egypt: sickness, swarms of insects, punishment of the death of every first born. Moses led them to the Sinai Peninsula, out of the pharaoh’s reach. Jews celebrate Passover to commemorate God’s freeing them from slavery in Egypt. they faced many harsh conditions and battles in Sinai. told to trust and believe in God and Moses if they did, God would provide for them.
Ten Commandments God gave Moses laws, including those known today as the Ten Commandments. The commandments and other laws told how the Israelites how to behave toward God and towards each other. Believe that each person is created in the image of God Each person also has a responsibility to do what is right. Behaving well toward one another is a duty to God.
Ten Commandments I the Lord am your God. Have no other gods besides Me, and do not make idols and worship them. Do not swear falsely by the name the Lord your God. Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Honor your father and mother. Do not commit murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Do not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, or belongings.
Return to the Promise Land Moses died before he could enter the Promised Land. Joshua took his place as the leader of the Israelites. They first conquered Jericho, then several other kingdoms in Canaan. Each of the tribes descended from Jacob’s sons settled in a different area. Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin settled in the south The others settled in lands to the north The Canaanites, people of Canaan, worshiped many gods. Baal and El and the goddess Asherah. The worshiped idols, or carved images, of their gods. The Israelites maintained their identity and when they would sin, they would punish themselves. They would always return to the teachings of the Torah, which included the belief of one god.