Spanish II Señora Powers-Wack White Board 08/10/2015 Bell Work: Answer question- What is proficiency? Guiding Question: What is proficiency? Objective: The student will learn class expectations and proficiency guidelines. Activities: Discuss syllabus; begin proficiency overview.
Classroom Expectations and Procedures – The three main things to remember in the classroom are Responsibility, Honesty, and Respect. Responsibility: This means that you will come to class on time, prepared, with all necessary materials, and ready to participate. All homework is to be completed before class. Honesty: All work should be the student’s own work. If a student cheats or plagiarizes, the student’s parents/guardians will be contacted and the student will receive a zero for the assignment. Respect: This is the most important of all! Responsibility and Honesty are a part of Respect. We will have a much more enjoyable school year if we all respect each other! This means no talking while the teacher is talking or another student is talking. We should all be polite to each other. Any issues that may arise should be dealt with calmly before or after class. Responsibility, Honesty, and Respect cover much more than is listed here. This is meant to be used as a guideline.
Daily Procedures- Enter the classroom quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Begin bell work. Classroom instruction/assignment Closing instruction/assignment Students should be silent at the starting bell and about 1 minute before the dismissal bell. Electronic Devices- Cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. are not to be used during class unless the teacher has given permission for a particular assignment. Discipline- Please see the White Station High School - Progressive Discipline Plan Make up work- It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to an excused absence.
Grading Policy Bell Work 10% Homework Participation/Class work 25% Projects 15% Quizzes Exams Total 100%
Proficiency 1: advancement in knowledge or skill : progress 2: the quality or state of being proficient
Novice High Speakers at the Novice High sublevel are able to manage successfully a number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation is restricted to a few of the predictable topics necessary for survival in the target language culture, such as basic personal information, basic objects, and a limited number of activities, preferences, and immediate needs. Novice High speakers respond to simple, direct questions or requests for information. They are also able to ask a few formulaic questions.
Intermediate low Speakers at the Intermediate Low sublevel are able to handle successfully a limited number of uncomplicated communicative tasks by creating with the language in straightforward social situations. Conversation is restricted to some of the concrete exchanges and predict able topics necessary for survival in the target-language culture. These topics relate to basic personal information; for example, self and family, some daily activities and personal preferences, and some immediate needs, such as ordering food and making simple purchases. guidelines-2012