Philosophy Jan 22nd Objective Opener Apply identity theories to a Star Wars case study Apply the theory of Memory to social identity. What role do Desires, intentions, and actions have in identity? 4.2 assignments stamping
4.2 Golden Memories Continued
The Insufficiency Objection Who we are seems to be determined not only by our memories, but also by our desires and intentions. If our desires and intentions changed radically enough, there would be reason to think that we had ceased to exist.
Quasi-Desires A person quasi-desires something if and only if they have a desire that is caused in the right way by an actual desire. To quasi desire something you don’t have to be identical to the person who originally had the desire.
Psychological Connectedness vs. Psychological Continuity Two people are psychologically connected if they can consciously quasi- remember and quasi-desire the same things. Two people are psychologically continuous if they form part of an overlapping series of persons who are psychologically connected with one another.
Thought Probe: Is Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker? In episode 6 of Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobe tells Luke Skywalker: “Your father was seduced by the dark side of the force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed.” Did Anakin literally become a different person? How would each “point of view” answer this question? Animalism Soul Theory Memory Theory
The Reduplication Problem Those who believe in reincarnation believe that people born at different times can be psychologically continuous with one another. The question is whether psychological continuity is enough to make people living at different times identical.
Article: Shaping the Self Answer the following questions as you read the article: How much influence can you have over your own identity and self perception? Why is the continuation of personal identity through memory crucial for justice? What is the problem of false memories? What is the qualification? What is the revision of Locke’s theory in the last paragraph of section 1? How can a diary shape our identity? How can social media shape our identity?
Activity: What is your social identity? Choose a social media site that you frequent (facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc) If you don’t do social media go through your pictures on your phone If you don’t have a phone with pictures, you may have to complete this at home with a diary, photo albums, or just analyzing your bedroom décor. Review all the posts, pictures, entries, etc Create a social identity profile based on these records. What defines you? This can be a brainstorm for your project!
Project Philosophy Identity Collage project Due Feb. 6th