First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits.


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Presentation transcript:

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

центральное тело Солнечной системы, раскаленный плазменный шар, типичная звезда-карлик First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

ближайшая к Солнцу большая планета Солнечной системы. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

вторая от Солнца и ближайшая к Земле большая планета Солнечной системы. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

Третья от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы Третья от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы. Благодаря своим уникальным, быть может, единственным во Вселенной природным условиям, стала местом, где возникла и получила развитие органическая жизнь. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

четвертая от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

Пятая от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы. Самая крупная из планет-гигантов. Снимок атмосферы Юпитера. Верхний слой облаков состоит в основном из кристаллов аммиака. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

шестая от Солнца, вторая по размерам после Юпитера большая планета Солнечной системы; относится к планетам-гигантам. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

седьмая от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы, относится к планетам-гигантам First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

восьмая от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы, относится к планетам-гигантам First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

девятая от Солнца большая планета Солнечной системы. Плутон и его спутник Харон. Состоят, по-видимому, из каменных ядер, покрытых водяным льдом (на Плутоне поверх него лежит метановый лед). First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

большой и исключительно яркий метеор. First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company. большой и исключительно яркий метеор.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

ВСЕЛЕННАЯ First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.

ВСЕЛЕННАЯ First of all some information about our Tomsk State University of Control System & Radio Electronics and our Center, than briefly about merits and demerits of e-papers and the most famous analogues and their facilities to protect information. Of course, I’ll try to describe our e-code distribution and in conclusion a few words about possibilities of collaboration with HP-company.