Uniform @ BBI
Boys Uniform Navy polo shirt Navy shorts (long pants optional terms 2 and 3) School Sweatshirt School Jacket (optional) Navy knee length socks Black leather lace up school shoes Roman sandals black or brown No street/skate or label shoes
Girls Uniform Navy polo shirt Navy skirt/skort Plain white ankle socks School Sweatshirt School Jacket (optional) Black tights may be worn FULL LENGTH NOT FOOTLESS Black lace up leather school shoes Roman sandals (black or brown) No street/skate or label shoes
PE Uniform School PE Tee Shirt School PE shorts Appropriate sports shoes and socks (not school socks) for all fitness & outdoor activities.
Girls Socks Incorrect Correct Like the photo, can fold down above the ankle Not knee high or below the ankle.
Sports Shoes for PE/Fitness/Sport
Inappropriate Shoes
NO caps/hats with logos Plain navy blue only - full brimmed hat, bucket hat or cap. NO caps/hats with logos
Accessories (One PLAIN gold or silver stud per ear is allowed) No pearls, sparkly diamond type earrings NO rings, bangles, nose or facial piercings, friendship bands, necklaces, nail polish or make up. Necklaces worn for religious or cultural reasons are allowed as long as there is written permission from the parent or caregiver and they are tucked inside your uniform tee shirt.
Hairstyles & accessories NO shaved designs or mohawks NO significant colouring of hair No extreme hairstyles No scrunchies/fancy head bands Plain black or navy blue hair ties/hair accessories (including head scarves) only.
Reminders Wear your uniform correctly Wear your uniform with pride If you are unsure about anything…ask!