We now conceive of childhood as highly eventful, unique period of life that lays an important foundation for the adult years and are highly differentiated from them. Also as a special time of growth and change.
Historical View – Innate Goodness Time: 18th Century, a French philosopher Jean Jacque Rousseau View: Children are “noble savages” who are born with an innate sense of morality. Effect: Parents should not try to mold them at all.
Historical View - Tabula Rasa Time: 17th Century, philosopher John Locke (behaviorist) View: Children are born “blank slates” and parents can train them in any direction they wish (with little resistance). Effect: Shaping children’s behavior by reward and punishment.
Historical View - Original Sin Time: 16th Century View: Children are born sinful and being born as evil beings Effect: Parents must discipline children to ensure morality and ultimate salvation.
Historical View: Preformationism Time: 6th 15th Centuries View: Children are basically small adults without unique needs and characteristics. Effect: Little or no need for special treatment
Historical perspective of child development Prevailing views of children (human nature) throughout history Preformationism Original Sin Tabula Rasa Innate Goodness How does each view affect child-rearing practices?
4. Plastic : potential for change 5. Historically embedded: Influenced by historical conditions 6. Multidisciplinary: development is studied by psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, neurologists, and medical researchers 7. Contextual : the individual continually respond to and acts on contexts such as biological makeup, environment,society, history and culture
What are the 7 basic characteristics of the lifespan development? It is lifelong 2. Multidimensional Biological Cognitive Socioemotional 3. Multidirectional Growth and decline
Life Expectancy Changes Lifespan: the maximum number of years a human being could live (about 120 years) remains relatively constant. Life expectancy: the number of years a person can expect to live when born in a certain place in a certain year, changes. U.S., 1900 47 years U.S., 2005, 77 years (30 year increase)
What is conception? Conception is the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both Fertilization: it is the process of fusion of the spermatozoa with the mature ovum to form a mononuclear zygote (usual site – in the uterine tubes) Implantation occurs on the 6th day after fertilization (usual site – in the endometrium of the body of uterus)
Cont… Early adulthood – ages 20/25 – 40/45 Middle adulthood – ages 40/45 – 60/65 Late adulthood – ages 60/65 on Young old: 65-84 Oldest old: 85+
What are the periods (age groups) of development? These are not standard across textbooks. However, they roughly agree. Prenatal - conception to birth Infancy – birth to about 2 years Early childhood – about ages 2-6 (preschool) Middle & late childhood – about ages 6-11 Adolescence – ages 10-12 or puberty until about ages 18-22 or independence
Biological: involve changes in the individual’s physical nature (e.g. genes) Cognitive: involve changes in the individual’s thought, intelligence and language Socioemotional: involve changes in the individuals relationships with other people, changes in emotions and changes in personality
Processes in Development
Why would we collectively want to know about human development? How do we apply the results of research on lifespan development? Parenting advice, self-help, public information. Designing educational programs. Business & economic planning (e.g., insurance sales, marketing,) . Social policy decisions (e.g., laws on marriage, city planning, social programs such as welfare, social security, Medicare).
Why would you want to know about development? Life planning and coping. To anticipate events and changes To avoid known pitfalls To understand what is happening to you To help others in the same ways
What is Human Development? Definition: It is the pattern of movement and change that begins at conception and continues through the life-span. Some things change Some things stay the same Human development include growth, transition, and decline.
Human development (Life span development)