10 Tips for Public Speaking Michelle Roe 1st Hour
Feel Nervous? Feeling nervous is natural Feeling nervous is beneficial Feeling TOO nervous can be detrimental Learn how to control the butterflies
Tip1: Know Your Material Pick a topic you are interested in Know more than you are including in speech Use humor, personal stories Use conversational language
Tip 2: Practice Rehearse out loud with equipment Revise if necessary Control filler words Practice with a timer Practice, pause, breathe Allow time for the unexpected
Tip 3: Know the Audience Greet audience as they arrive It’s easier to speak to friends than strangers
Tip 4: Know the Room Arrive early Walk around the speaking area Practice using microphone and visual aids
Tip 5: Visualize Giving Speech Imagine yourself speaking Voice loud Voice clear Voice confident Visualize audience clapping – boosts your confidence