Life in Modern Urban Society The beginning of city life as we know “it.”
The Good, the Bad & the Stinky Lack of transportation & rapid urbanization made living conditions for the poor even worse. Urban planning & public health as well as transportation began to change. Edwin Chadwick (sewer system) Louis Pasteur (bacteria causing disease) Urban planners got rid of medieval infrastructure Mass transportation was developed.
Rich & Poor Uneven distribution of wealth throughout Europe: 20% of population is MC or wealthy. Urban MC is diverse. Upper MC successful industrialists, bankers & merchants beginning to merge with aristocracy. Middle MC include doctors, lawyers & moderately successful industrialists & bankers. Lower MC small business owners, salespeople, managers, clerks & white collar employees.
The Working Class Skilled workers lived differently then semiskilled & unskilled. Skilled workers’ income approached the lower middle class & they tended to embrace the same moral codes. Semiskilled & unskilled had a variety of occupations with domestic servants making up a large portion of that segment of the population.
And for fun… Drinking in taverns Watching sports Attending music hall performances Church attendance declined in this segment of the population in Europe but in America it stayed the same or increased.
Families Economic consideration were important to MC families although romance was taken into consideration. Prostitution was common especially with middle and upper class men. Kinship helped working-class people cope with sickness, unemployment, deaths & old age.
Women Divisions of labor became more defined by gender. Women began to organize for equality & rights because of economic inferiority. Women became powerful within their house-holds and as caretakers and educators. Emotional ties were stronger in families.
Children Emotional ties with children were strengthened. Fewer babies were abandoned. Increased connection often meant increased control & sexual repression.