To Kill a Mockingbird Ms. Dombrow Vocabulary Pt. IV
Quell Sipping the Coke helped to quell my nausea. Definition: To put an end to, typically by use of force Merriam-Webster Parts of Speech: Verb Other Forms: Quelled (verb), Quelling (verb) Sample: Sipping the Coke helped to quell my nausea. The firefighters quelled the fire with the rush of water from their hose.
Cordial He cordially said hello to his teacher every morning. Definition: Warm and friendly Merriam-Webster Parts of Speech: Adjective Other Forms: Cordially (adverb), Cordialness (noun) Sample: He cordially said hello to his teacher every morning. The doctor was a cordial woman even in the most stressful situation.
Qualm My only qualm with the end of summer is starting school again. Definition: a feeling of doubt, worry, or fear Merriam-Webster Parts of Speech: Noun Sample: My only qualm with the end of summer is starting school again. She had no qualm about lying.
Tedious Definition: too long, slow, or boring; tiresome or monotonous Merriam-Webster Parts of Speech: Adjective Other Forms: Tediously (adverb), tediousness (noun) Sample: The artist tediously painted each little hair on the portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The school day before Spring Break was tedious.
Frivolous Definition: of little importance or value Merriam-Webster Parts of Speech: Adjective Other Forms: Frivolously (adverb), Frivolousness (noun) Sample: Spending money on lottery tickets when you cannot pay your bills seems a bit frivolous to me. Arguing with friends seems frivolous when he knew he had real troubles to deal with at home.