“The Confederation and the Constitution” Chapter 9, Part 1 “The Confederation and the Constitution”
Effects of the Revolution Equality Religion Society
The Pursuit of Equality All men are created equal, endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights . . .
Equality Most states reduced/eliminated property holding requirements for voting 1800- servitude virtually gone (but replaced by…)
Religion Anglican church “tainted” Reformed as Protestant Episcopal Church
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Thomas Jefferson Disestablished Church of England Guaranteed religious freedom in VA (even for Jews) Preceded First Amendment!
Anti-slavery movement Quakers- first anti-slavery society in 1775 Several northern states abolished slavery However, harsh laws against free blacks: Barred from purchasing property Holding certain jobs/education No interracial marriage
Why was slavery not abolished? TJ wanted to put a clause in the Declaration Didn’t want to split the colonies (ironic) “a dismemberment of the Union would be worse”
Women Served in disguise during the Revolution NJ let women vote! 2 ideas: Civic virtue Republican motherhood
Civic Virtue The cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed to be important for the success of the community
Republican motherhood Women were responsible for raising the next generation of “republican” citizens
Conflicts On one hand, reinforced “separate spheres” ideology On the other hand, gave women a unique, important role in the new republic And most importantly, allowed a degree of education for women
Abigail Adams Wife of John Adams (2nd president) Mother of John Quincy Adams (6th president) Other woman to be wife and mother of president?
Abigail and John Adams America’s first power couple? Wrote thousands of letters during their marriage Talked about politics, religion, etc