Chapter Eight Inequalities of Age & Gender
Issues of Sex and Gender Sex - the biological characteristics that distinguish males and females. Gender - social traits a group considers proper for its males and females. Gender is a device by which society controls its members. Social factors are the reasons we do what we do.
How Females Became a Minority Group Around the world, gender is the primary division between people. Females are classified as a minority group because they are denied equal access. Because females were the primary care takers of children, men became dominant. Patriarchy - male dominance of a society.
Gender Inequality in the U.S. In education, degrees tend to follow gender. Socialization not innate characteristics motivate the sexes into different educational paths. In the workplace, the pay gap shows up at all levels of education. Depending on your sex, you are likely wither to benefit or be a victim. Feminism - the view that biology is not destiny and that stratification by gender is wrong. Although women enjoy fundamental rights today, gender inequality continues. Define the status of women in early U.S. society.
The Glass Ceiling The glass ceiling - the most invisible barrier that keeps women from reaching the executive suite in the workplace. Men who dominate the workplace stereotype potential leaders as people who look like themselves. Women lack mentors and coaches as well.
Perspectives on Aging
Aging in Global Perspective As a nation’s elderly population increases, so does the bill that the younger citizens pay to provide for their needs. The graying of America - the number of elderly is growing rapidly in the U.S. the life expectancy in the U.S. today is about 80 years. Although more people are living to old age, the life span has not increased.
Functionalist Theories of Aging Disengagement theory - how society prevents disruption when the elderly leave their positions of responsibility. Societies use pensions to entice the elderly to hand over their positions to younger people. Activity theory - the more activities elderly people engage in, the more they find life satisfying.
Conflict Theories of Aging The young and old recognize they are a part of a struggle. Social Security emerged from a struggle between competing interest groups. Framing the issue as a case of money going to one group at the expense of another is an attempt to cause conflict. Dependency ratio refers to the number of those who collect Social Security compared to the number of workers who contribute to it.